~their first thoughts about you~

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These are kinda more like what they observed about you and how they view you before you actually became friends y'know? Also I've been working on a lot of chapters so expect a lot either today, tomorrow or after next week when I get done with my tests and exams. Or don't. I dunno.

Caveman (Stanley yelnats IV)

You seemed kinda unnecessarily flirty. Especially to a nobody like him. He didn't understand why you were so intrigued by him.

Zero (Hector Zeroni)

You looked dead inside. There was no life whatsoever in your eyes. you were also really quiet. but you just seemed so sad all the time for no reason. You hadn't said a word to anyone at the camp and all you did before going to bed was stare at your hands while the others joked and laughed.

X-ray (Rex Washburn)

He thought you had issues. You were always snappy and irritated with everyone. It was hard to get along with you. It seemed like you hated everyone.

Magnet (Jose)

You looked mean. But soon he found out You had a resting bitch face. if you were being spoken to you looked giddy. You laughed and joked with people whenever you weren't in thought and he thought you were actually really funny.

Zigzag (Ricky)

He thought you were a Little odd. Like you were fun to talk to and you were fine to get along with but you were jittery. You were irritable and anxious for no reason.

Squid (Alan)

He didn't understand your deal.  He didn't know why a hot girl like you was so ominous. You were giddy one second but someone says something even slightly odd in your opinion and your entire mood does a 180.

Twitch (Brian)

He seemed interested in someone who also had a knack for stealing cars. Thought you were awfully pretty too. So he was nervous about approaching you.

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