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The smell of blood had filled the cave. You could hear body's being torne, bones snapping, screams and shouts resonated from the darkness that enveloped them. Momo, who held the light orb, stepped closer to the front to light up the way, but in the end only the dead body trales remained in the ground.

More shadows started gathering in one place, as he got deeper inside the cave he could smell the blood from the ground that indulged his nose. He wanted to vomit from the smell that the cave gave, the rotten smell of those creatures and to top it off the dead bodies that laid on the ground.

He placed his hands on his face, covering a part of the nose and mouth. You could hear the screams and shouts of pain, from the people who were trying to survive, but it was too late. Some were split in half, while others had their body parts torn from limb to limb half eaten.

Boss turned to his side to see Momo, yet at that time the thieving women ran straight to their side.


"Help please, my brother, he went in that direction, but a high level Skulltear appeared. He fell... Please help him." She said, as her eyes were filled with tears.

She grabbed Boss hand begging over and over again.

Boss who was grabbed only glared at the hand that was touching him tightly.

If she didn't let go right away, he would certainly chop that hand off.

She really wanted to separate the two. She had a plan, and needed them to be apart for it to work.

Momo looked at the thieving woman, who was pretty much throwing herself at the other. His eyes slanted down to see her grabbing his perverted psycho's hand tightly. Having her skin touch the other, his eyes had become a shade darker.

He recalled that time in the mountains, when they went to pick some medicinal herbs, how she laid on top of him, half disheveled. How the other had his hand on her waist holding her up.

Remembering that sight he frowned, feeling a rush of anger building up in the pit of his stomach. He really wanted to pull them apart, but he contained himself. He knew if he did that, the other would certainly misunderstand.

Momo looked away trying hard to not see them, he recalled Luke and searched for him, but didn't see him.

"I bet he escaped amongst the commotion... he must have a foot in it" He thought.

One of the Skulltears stood in the middle of the others, as if it was their leader.

"Go back, if you don't, all of you will die!" It said in a screeching tone.

Only the top level Skulltears had been able to keep their sanity while transforming into one of those creatures, but most weren't able to resonate even a sentence.

Momo looked back at Boss.

"He disappeared, " He said, looking a bit angry.

"Oh, did he..." Boss said, only to see his little bunny's dark face. As he stared intently where she was touching him. Can he consider it as the other having a little bit of feelings for him?

Bosses eyes shined with delight and excitement, he grinned from ear to ear, as he swiped away the hand of that thieving woman. He walked to Momos' side, and put his arm around his waist pulling him into his embrace.

Seeing this she grew angry with extreme jealousy.

"The Skulltear chased him into that direction, '' she pointed to the left side of the cave where a narrow pathway was.

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