1. Meet the Covens

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TWILIGHT universe. Pre-Breaking Dawn.


DUBLIN, IRELAND: a pub door swings open and three girls fall out of it, laughing drunkenly. ORLA, NIAMH and CARA. NIAMH and CARA are Irish, ORLA is from South-West England. They are being watched by two vampires but are unaware.

Niamh: Your Irish accent is better than mine and I was born here.

ORLA mimics her.

Orla: "I was born here".

Niamh: Get away with that, ya little copy-cat.

Cara: That poor little tourist boy didn't know who to believe.

Orla: I'm probably from the same place he is.

Niamh: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. What are we going to do with you?

Orla: Mm feed me more alcohol? We've got wine at home!

Cara: Mammy will have your head.

Orla: C'mon, Auntie Portia will probably join in.

They round the corner and the two vampires, DEMETRI and FELIX are stood in their way. The girls become frightened.

Niamh: Can we help you fellas?

Demetri: As a matter of fact...

Felix: We were on our way somewhere, but we seem to have gotten lost.


Orla: We're only visiting ourselves. We'd help you, but obviously we don't know our way around either. Sorry.

DEMETRI chuckles, tilting his head towards FELIX but neither take their eyes off the girls.

Demetri: Aro will be pleased.

ORLA takes the hands of NIAMH and CARA and pulls them away from the men. They walk down the road briskly. DEMETRI and FELIX look at each other with interest. The girls are half-way down a side alley when the vampires whoosh behind them. They push ORLA to the ground so her view is blocked. 


ORLA turns abruptly to see NIAMH and CARA are already dead, one vampire per human. A pause until she lets out an unearthly scream, running at FELX with all her force. FELIX is holding CARA and ORLA tries to pull her cousin away from him. FELIX snarls. He drops CARA and bites ORLA on the neck. She blacks out.

Day 1.

A house in Ireland, surrounded by fields. CARLISLE and ESME knock. SIOBHAN answers the door.

Siobhan: Carlisle! We heard you comin' of course.

Carlisle: Siobhan.


Esme: It is lovely to see you again, sorry it's been so long.

Siobhan : We're both at fault, dear Esme.

ESME and SIOBHAN embrace.

Moving inside, the door closes. The light inside the house is dim. A fire is burning. LIAM swiftly moves to stand beside SIOBHAN (his mate). MAGGIE (the third of their coven) similarly moves to stand on the other side of the door.

Carlisle: Liam, Maggie. Always a pleasure.

LIAM and MAGGIE both nod. MAGGIE considers them carefully.

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