EDWARD, BELLA, CARLISLE and ESME appear and RENESMEE runs to hug them.
Esme: We've missed you dearly.
Renesmee: I've missed you too.
They greet. ORLA stands.
Edward: Carlisle, Esme – this is Orla.
Carlisle: We met in Dublin. Pleasure to see you again.
Orla: And you. It's a beautiful part of the world you have here.
Carlisle: Thank you, we like it.
Esme: Thank you for coming to bear witness.
Carlisle: Siobhan is an old friend but...you, personally, don't owe us anything.
Orla: I wasn't about to get left behind in the Irish countryside.
A face flashes into ORLA's memory and EDWARD frowns slightly. Looking at the ground, ORLA readjusts and looks up.
Besides, you seemed like good people, and I want to be where good people are.
Renesmee: You're good too.
Orla: Thank you, Daisy-face.
ORLA looks towards the stairs and EDWARD chuckles.
Hey, no fair with the mind-reading thing.
Bella: What is it?
Edward: Orla is curious about Alistair. Why he went straight upstairs.
Carlisle: Ah...he's not...he's not a people person. He's a good friend though, an old friend.
Edward: He won't like it.
Bella: What won't he like?
Orla: I was only going to –
Edward: He'll be rude. It's his nature.
Carlisle: Give him some credit, Edward. What is it you were going to do, Orla?
Orla: Just...go up and introduce myself. Be friendly.
Esme: I think that's a nice idea.
Orla: Yes. A perfectly amiable thing to do. Why shouldn't I go and introduce myself to that beautiful man?
They chuckle at her.
Carlisle: Well, well...this will be a turn up for the books.
Orla: I'm just going to go and say hello.
Carlisle: Please.
ORLA nods and goes.
That would certainly be a peculiar pairing.
In the attic, ALISTAIR is examining a trinket. ORLA appears in the doorway. He turns abruptly. They look at each other.
Orla: Hello. Alistair, right? You arrived with Carlisle and Esme.
ALISTAIR doesn't speak immediately.
I wanted to introduce myself.
Alistair: Are you a Cullen?
Orla: No. A guest. Orla.
Twilight Breaking Dawn: Explore of the Vampires
FanfictionAlistair: Well, we'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run, that's what you've brought me. Carlisle: Alistair, come and meet everyone. Casting a glance at the windows of the Cullen's beautiful glass house, Alistair notices a beautiful g...