cat watching duty (short) edit v2

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Because of how long the chapters in this book I'm going to do a lot more shorts. So I hope you like em.

To anyone who already read this don't worry I didn't change to much. Oh and before I forget to mention it, my y/n's have autism and ADHD because I have those and well. I don't know normal so I might as well embrace the tism lol

we see Luz slowly wake up. she yawns then looks down and sees our little neko still cuddling her.

Luz: " aww.~"

Luz tries to push him off only for him to hug her tighter.

Luz: " dang it..."

Luz looks at him for a second before sighing  and giving a soft smile.

Luz: " at least it's you I'm stuck with."

Luz then takes notice of a note on y/n's head.

Luz: " oh what's this?"

Luz grabs and reads it.

Luz: " dear Luz.
me and king are going to gather ingredients for some potions the trip involves some stuff y/n can't touch so watch em. There's food in the fridge see ya soon. Love Eda.
P.S don't drink my apple blood. Read the back."

Luz flips the note

Luz: " also if y/n tries to eat the catnip stop him. I want to be there in case anything goes wrong."

Luz: " hmm looks like it's just gonna be us today y/n"

y/n just hugs her tighter still asleep. Luz giggles at this.

Luz: " ok you can sleep a bit longer."

Luz hugs him and they cuddle together for a bit.


We now see Eda and king in the wild collecting a strange orange tiny balls that glowed with life some how.

king: " Eda what position are we gonna do with this stuff?"

Eda: " one of my clients wants a potion of lifeness."

king: " and that is?"

Eda: " it makes illusions more real."

king: " if their that bad at illusions they should just do something else."

Eda: " you know just as much as I they can't."

king: *sighs* " I know..."

They fill up their bag.

Eda: " ok let's go get the next ingredient."

Eda and king get on Eda's staff and head off.


Give or take an hour later we see our little neko boy finally waking up.

Luz: " oh looks like you're finally awake."

y/n looks up at her confused still hugging Luz.

y/n: " hmm?"


y/n then realizes that they're cuddling Luz.

y/n: " oh um sorry. I-I'll just get off-"

y/n let's go of her and tries to get up but Luz keeps him in a tight hug forcing y/n to stay close to her

Luz: " just a bit longer."

y/n gives Luz a soft smile and hugs her a bit more and the neko even starts purring. Luz turns a bright red and had to hold back a squeal from the cuteness.

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