witch's ᵃⁿᵈ ᴺᵉᵏᵒ'ˢ before wizards s1 ep2

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Welp I hope you enjoy this chapter boom. Also please comment it helps more than you'd think. Also be aware I'm both writing this off memory so be ready for a few changes to the story here and there. Granted I think it'll make it more interesting.

We see Luz waking up with y/n laying next to her. Luz yawns and gets up, she then opens the window and looks around.

Luz: " good morning terrifying world."

Random Cthulhu monster: " morning!"

It then goes deep into the water.

Quick question does this guy ever show up again? I don't remember

Luz goes over to y/n and picks him up and hugs them.

Luz: " good morning my little neko!"

The cat boy yawns and hugs her.

y/n: " morning Luz."

Luz sets them down and heads to the bathroom to get ready as y/n gets up and heads to the kitchen with King.

King: " morning y/n."

y/n: " morning King."

King: " how was your night with Luz?"

y/n: " great actually. She petted me to sleep."

King: " nice."

Luz: " AAAHH!!"

They both look to the bathroom.

King: " ..."

y/n: "... Sounds like hooty said good morning to Luz."

King: " he has to stop saying good morning in the bathroom of all places."

y/n: " yeah..."

King: " wanna go get snacks?"

y/n: " absolutely."

y/n and King run down to the kitchen for snacks.


We see the too eating a few eyeballs and eggs along with a few Beatles.

Then the too look and see a tired Eda walk into the kitchen with Luz wearing a black robe and dirty traffic cone.

Luz: " don't you remember me? we started a Mimi rebellion, freed a bunch of prisoners, we took out that big bad warden. Yesterday."

Eda: " kid lay off the details."

Eda opens her fridge and pours a cup of apple blood. She then sits on the table next to the to goofballs.

Luz: " teach me some spells, when do I get a magic staff, should I have brought my own ruins?"

Luz gasp as she gets a idea.

Luz: " do you have a dangerous magical quest for me?!"

Eda: " woow woow kid clam down becoming a witch doesn't happen over night. Also kid you're in a bath robe and the dirtiest traffic cone I've ever seen."

Luz takes off the cone and blows on it revealing the orange thing as King and y/n giggle.

Eda: " but a magic staff huh? You really want one huh?"

Luz: " more than almost anything!"

Eda: " magic staff to me!"

Eda reaches out her hand calling for the staff. It hit and bumped into a whole lot of stuff making everyone look to where the sound is coming from it then hit Eda in the face.

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