we're a teenage abomination s1 ep3

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Let's just get straight into it.

We see y/n napping on the couch peacefully... Until everyone came downstairs.

Luz: " sooo Eda what's this lesson your gonna teach me?"

Eda: " hehehe you'll see."

king jumps onto Eda's back.

king: " why do I have to come? It's Luz's lesson!"

Eda: " we're gonna need your little hands for it."

y/n got up looked to the other's.

y/n: " oh do you need my help."

Eda: " nah your good kid. We'll be back soon."

The others leave for a second before Eda opens the door again.

Eda: " and don't do anything stupid."

Eda closes the door once more.

y/n: " ... Well now I have to."

y/n gets up and heads outside.

hooty: " oh hay y/n! Where are you going? Can I come?"

y/n: " hi, somewhere, no."

hooty: " are you sure? I can help by-"

y/n just walked away while hooty was talking.


We see y/n on all fours hunting a big inverted bird.

y/n: " get back here you weird thing!"

The camera moves a bit away and we see a girl with green hair with a bag and a pot of something she also was talking on a crow phone thing.

(I admittedly don't know if I should have used scrolls here so I'm just going to use those crow things until scrolls became

Girl: " yes I'm almost at school Boscha stop worrying. I just need to add a few more things to my abomination before I go."

We hear some talking from the phone bird.

Girl: " yes I'm using that trash bag I got from willow back when she thought we were friends. Don't worry it's just so I can get rid of it later after I finish this."

Once the girl finished talking she let the bird go off

Girl: " what is with her sometimes."

The girl takes off the bag and was about to reach into the old hand made bag but gets distracted by the strange bird y/n was chasing as she watches it fly off.

Girl: " huh?..."

The neko then shows up running past this girl with green hair catching her by surprise but what got her attention was the fact that the neko accidentally got her bag wrapped around their neck.

Girl: " wha- what the heck!? H-Hay! wait get back here!!"

The girl starts chasing the neko but unfortunately for her, they didn't hear her or feel her bag somehow granted they wouldn't stop even if they had heard her maybe if they knew about her bag.

y/n: " I'm gonna get you! You ugly thing."

The bird flies up into a tree while the neko follows as the girl looks up at them.

Girl: " oh come on!"

The bird lands on a branch and the neko sneaks up to it but before they were gonna pounce a pink tentacle grabbed the cat.

y/n: " hay! I was just about to get that thing."

They looked down and saw the girl with green hair that was very out of breath looking up at the little one as she held him above her.

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