The one for you || Tara Carpenter

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It was a normal day of classes, and you were late. You had missed your bus, and so you were running in the corridors of the building.

When you turned a corner, you bumped into someone. You both fell to the ground, along with a lot of sheets of paper.

"Ow..." you rubbed your bruised arm, before opening your eyes

The person you had just bumped into was a girl. She seemed kinda small, had brown hair, dark eyes, freckles, and the most beautiful face you had ever seen.

"Shit... I'm so sorry, are you okay?" she asked

You opened your mouth, but nothing came out of it. Her voice was as mesmerizing as her.

"Y-yeah... and you?" you managed to say after a moment, getting on your knees to help her gather her papers

"Just going to make a very bad first impression... But other than that, I'm okay"

Once she had all her papers in hands she got up, and you did the same.

"Oh, you're new here? Who's your first teacher of the day?" you asked

"Uh... Mrs Castillo"

"Oh, I had her last year. She's nice don't worry." you reassured her "Do you want me to show you the way to her class?"

"Is it that obvious that I'm lost?"

You chuckled, shrugging your shoulders.

"Just a little. Come on, it's not far away"

You guided her to the class, thinking of an excuse to give to the teachers. You look at yourself and noticed the coffee stain on your shirt. You had tripped with your cup in hand and spilled it all over yourself, and being already late, you hadn't had time to change.

"It's here" you said, in front of the door

"Thank you. Without you I wouldn't have found it" she smiled warmly "I'm Tara by the way. Tara Carpenter"

"I'm Y/n L/n, nice to meet you, Tara" you replied. Then, after a hesitation "Do you want to meet at lunch time? I could give you a little tour of the building..."

You hoped she said yes. You were dying to know more about her, her life, her hobbies, what she liked, what she didn't like...


You felt your lips curl up into a smile.

"Cool" you simply said

You knocked on the door and opened it with a smile.

"Miss L/n? I thought you weren't in this class"

"I'm not, actually. I'm bringing you a new student: Tara Carpenter. I uh... I kinda ran into her earlier and spilled my coffee... I asked her for help to get it off my shirt... It's my fault if she's late, sorry for that..."

Tara was about to protest, but you shook you shook your head and mouthed to her 'don't worry'.

The teacher sighed.

"Miss L/n, you really need to stop involving other students in the problems caused by your clumsiness..."

"Said like that it looks like it happens everyday" you groaned

Mrs Castillo raised an eyebrow at you, silently saying 'do you really want to talk about it?'. You gave her a guilty smile, lifting your hands up in a sign of surrender.

"Miss Carpenter, I'm sorry for that. You can take a seat."

You smiled at the brunette when she walked past you. She smiled back as a silent 'thank you', before heading towards the nearest chair.

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