Two's company, three's a crowd (Part 3) || Tara & Sam Carpenter

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The atmosphere was tensed at the apartment. Tara wasn't talking to you or her sister, and you both felt bad for hurting her. Sam for 'stealing' the girl she loved, and you for breaking her heart after giving her hope.

You tried to tell her in the less hurtful way possible, but that kind of thing always hurt, no matter how you handle it.

As if it wasn't enough, their roommate, Quinn, wouldn't stop making dirty jokes about you and Sam, not caring if Tara was in the room. You liked the redhead, she was nice, but sometimes you just prayed someone would make her shut up.

Quinn wasn't exactly known to be quiet. She was pretty loud even. Especially when she was getting fucked by whatever guy she brought back to the apartment. Which happened like everyday.

It was part of the reason why Sam and you spent most nights at your apartment, so the mood isn't ruined by Quinn's moans. It was also to give Tara some space, and to keep a distance between her and your sexual life.

This night, however, you were at Sam and Tara's apartment; after the news announced a murder in the neighborhood and that a Ghostface mask was found on the crime scene, it was the best thing to do.

Everyone was gathered in the apartment: Sam, Tara, Quinn, Anika, Mindy and Chad. You were making dinner with Sam while the others were chatting in the living room -minus Quinn who was in her room.

While you were watching the pastas, you felt Sam's arms wrap around your waist from behind. She rested her chin on your shoulder.

"Thank you for staying... I mean- you could've left New York and-"

You turned around to face her, her arms still around you.

"Hey, I'm not leaving you here. We don't even know if it's really Ghostface, maybe it's some kind of joke. Whatever it is, I'm staying with you, okay?"

She smiled softly, touched by your words. She kissed your lips and stayed close to them after pulling away.

"I appreciate it, but I don't want you to get hurt..."

"I'll be okay, I promise" you replied immediately, kissing her again

She hummed and kissed your forehead before going back to preparing dinner while saying:

"Your pan is overflowing, baby"

You quickly turned back to it and took it off the stove.

"You could've told me earlier!" you whisper-shouted

Sam chuckled.

"Sorry, I preferred kissing you"

You rolled your eyes with a smile, grabbing a sponge to wipe the water off the stove.

Suddenly, you heard noises coming from Quinn's room. Not that it was unusual, but this time it didn't sound like moans. Rather muffled screams.

You looked at Sam, then at the others, who apparently heard it too.

You walked a bit closer to her room.

"Quinn? Everything alright?"

No answer.

The noises in the room became slightly louder; you could hear fight noises now, as if someone was thrown against a wall, or the pieces of furniture were thrown across the room.


You tried to go in the room but Tara and Sam held you back.

"Y/n, no!" Tara said, holding your hand tightly

Sam agreed, her arm in front of you.

"Whatever is happening it does not sound good! We can't-" you paused; the noises had stopped "Why did it stop?"

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