Fuck or Get Fucking Killed (1 of 2)

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"Alright, Y/n...everything you need is here, I'll be back in a week. Help yourself to anything in the fridge." My client says.

"Goodbye, I'll be sure to keep your house safe." I wave to her from the front door.

She enters her car and drives off into the night.

I close and lock the door and walk into the kitchen, placing my phone down onto the counter.

Another boring house sitting...

As I grab some ingredients for my sandwich from the refrigerator I hear the house phone ring. Since my hands are full with food items, I ignore it.

It's super late at night...who's calling at this hour anyways?

I place the ingredients onto the counter and make my sandwich.

I put everything back where it belongs and I sit on the living room couch.

Next to me on the side table, the landline phone rings again and I answer it.


"What's your favorite scary movie?" The voice asked.

I arch an eyebrow confused.

"My favorite scary movie?" I repeat confused. "I don't have one."

The person sighs on the other end.

"Interesting..." the voice says.

There's a pause and then I speak.

"Did you need something or were you ju--!"

"You never told me your name..." the person cuts me off.

"Why do you need to know my name?"

"Because I want to know who I'm looking at."

I get up off the couch and look around. The only way this person could see me would be through the glass sliding door in the kitchen. I glance that way and I don't see anything.

I laugh.

"Alright, who is this?" I ask. "Your little prank isn't going to work on me."

"It's not a prank, gorgeous." They say. "Say, what'd ya do with the owner of the house. Surely you're not that same old hag..."

I sit back down on the couch.

"If you must know, I'm house sitting."

The person lets out an 'Ahh' signaling they understand.

I grab my phone and look at the time.

It's too late for this crap... I roll my eyes.

"Okay well it's been fun, but I'm tired so, goodby-!"


I grip the landline phone.

Let's Play a Game (Ghostface x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now