Drop Them Panties (1 of 1)

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For my Stu girlies

My best friend Joy is throwing a sleepover. It's a small one with just me and a few other girls. As far as I know, I'm the only one who's spending the night.

Joys cousin Stu, and his friend Billy have decided to crash the sleepover despite Joy's complaints that they leave. I don't really mind, since Stu is funny and easy on the eyes.

Billy is also her neighbor, so he comes and goes as much as he likes.

Currently we're playing Never Have I Ever.

"Never have I ever, masturbated while thinking of someone in this room!" Nay, one of our friends say.

I glance around the room and Joy's blushing. She slowly places a finger down, not making eye contact with anyone in the room.

I don't place a finger down. Sure, Billy and Stu are both incredibly good looking, but I am not letting them know something that intimate about me, even if it is true.

"Your turn Y/n." Joy states quickly, hoping no one notices her finger count.

I think for a moment.

"Never have I ever..." I trail off. "Lied about kissing someone!"

Joy is the only one who puts a finger down.

"Who?" Stu asked.

Joy just shakes her head and scrunches her face.

"Not sayin who!" Joy states.

"Chicken!" Billy teases her with a smile.

She turns a deep red, hugs her knees, and hides her face.

"Shut up Billy!" She giggles.

Everyone else doesn't really notice, but I know she's talking about Billy.

Billy goes next.

"Never have I ever failed my drivers test." Billy says, a sly smile on his face.

He looks at Joy and she shakes her head before placing a finger down.

"He's targeting me...no fair." Joy states.

Billy and Stu laugh.

"Never have I ever had a thing for people in mask." Stu asked.

All the girls put their finger down.

"I'd ride the hell out of a biker." Our friend Nay says. "Especially the all black helmets with the slutty outfit!"

"Kakashi is hot." Joy says.

"Slashers are sexy." I state.

Stu looks at me, suddenly interested.

"Jason, Ghostface, or Michael?" Stu asked. "Who are you guys smashin'?"

"Ghostface." I reply immediately, not even needing to think about the question. "I would ride the hell out of him."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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