To Survive (1 of 1)

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I walk around the tall grass, medkit in hand. It started out as four of us, but I watched each of my friends get murdered by that fuckin white mask.

All we wanted to do was go back home, but he's killing us for no reason. Chasing us around in the middle of the woods.

My t-shirt is torn up and my body is covered in dirt and mud. As I slowly traverse the woods, I stumble upon a cabin.

The lights are off, and it doesn't seem like anyone is home.

I walk up to the door and find it unlocked.

I could really use a shower...and maybe they have something I can eat.

I enter the house and walk straight to the kitchen. I decide to eat something that's not gonna be missed. I grab one banana, unpeel it, and eat it.

After I'm done, I walk around the cabin and find the bathroom. I take off my clothes and I hop inside of the shower.

I quickly rinse all of the nastiness off my body and now I'm rinsing my face. The waters over my eyes and I wipe my face.

The shower curtain suddenly opens, and my vision is still coming to.

I see a white blob and I blink a few times before I'm greeted by that white mask.

My eyes widen in shock and the masked person tilts there head in confusion.

"Why are you in my bathroom?" The man asked.

I open my mouth to speak, but not words form.

I'm terrified, shaking in my skin.

"I-I-!" I sputter.

The man looks at me and then turns his attention to my clothes on the floor. He then looks back at me, eyes roaming my naked and exposed body.

"If you wanted to seduce me you know there are easier ways, right?" He asked.


The man cuts me off by grabbing me by my neck.

He pulls me towards him and whispers in my ear. His breath tickles the back of my ear as he speaks.

"You're the last one I've been searching for...since I'm feeling generous, I'll give you one more chance to run."

He releases his grip on my neck and then turns off the showers water.

I stand there body still frozen with fear.

"Take this." He demands.

He tosses me a towel and I quickly wrap my naked body in it.

"Now run..." he speaks as he steps to the side, making a path for me to run out the bathroom.

I run. I don't know where, but I run deep into the woods, back where I started.

I hear footsteps following behind me and I quicken my sprint.

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