Deal Or No Deal? (1 of 2)

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For my Billy girlies

I walk into Woodsboro High, my clipboard in my hand, backpack slung over my shoulder.

I look over my evidence of potential killers.

These recent attacks have a pattern to them...always where Sydney is...maybe she cheated on Billy and he can't get over the breakup so he wants her dead...? Could be Stu too. He has a crush on Sydney, but she won't give him the time of day because of Tatum.

I look down at the clipboard and write Billy and Stu as my top people. I walk slowly as I write.

I should probably watch where I'm going- OH, it could also be Tatum...jealousy could be her moti-!

I end up running into someone and dropping my clipboard, my trail of thought cut off. I lean down to grab my clipboard and bump heads with whoever bumped into me.

"Shit- sorry!" I hear Billy say.

My heart drops in my chest.

"No no, I got it!" I quickly grab the board and look up at Billy.

He eyes me suspiciously.

"What're you workin on?" Billy asked.

"Just writing a private letter to my teacher..."

"Wouldn't it be easier to type a letter to your teacher?" Billy asked as he places an arm around my shoulder.

He tries to glance at my clipboard, but I place it against my chest, writing down.

He walks with me and I make sure to hold the clipboard close to me.

"I didn't think about that." I lie.

Billy tilts his head and hums in response.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n..." he sighs. "Beautiful but not that bright."

He's most likely joking, but I roll my eyes anyway.

"Billy, Billy, Billy, handsome but stupid!" I reply. "I have a higher GPA than you and I'm a top student in our class."

I shake his arm off of me. I walk quicker as an attempt to get away from him.

Billy laughs and I hear him jogging to catch up to me.

"Don't get all defensive, I was joking." He smiles at me and I smile back at him.

Billy and I have a weird friendship. We both find each other attractive, but then he started dating Sydney...and now with this whole killer thing, we both just haven't said anything about the attraction that's obviously there.

"Hey, all I heard from your little speech was you callin' me handsome!"

He leans over and leans in like he's gonna kiss me, but the bell rings and I turn away from him trying to hide the smile that's creeping onto my face. He lets out a laugh and I chuckle softly. Then we go our separate ways.

After school, I head to practice. By the time it's out, it's dark out. I walk to my car and get inside locking the doors behind me. My engine roars to life and I drive home.

My parents aren't home tonight because they're both at work. I walk into the pitch black house and turn on a nearby light.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a snack since I'm not that hungry. I finish the snack by the time I make it to my room upstairs. It's dark inside and I turn on my light and walk inside.

I walk to my closet and hum a song. My closet doors are made of glass, the ones with the mirror. I glance in my mirror and in the corner of it, I see a black blob. I focus on it more and I see it's not a blob, it's them. The killer.

They're standing there against the wall, knife in hand, just looking at me. They slowly lifts their hand and pulls out a white voice changer. They hold the button down and then they speak into it.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n... what're you doin here?" The gravely voice speaks.

"It's my house. What're you doing here?" I asked as I turn towards them.

I glance around my room looking for anything that can be used as a weapon. There's nothing that'll work.

"You know, chillin' killin'!" They chuckle.

I stare at the figure and they tilt their head at me.

"Billy, Billy, Billy..." I sigh. "You've gotta tell me what your motive is before you kill me. I'm dying to know."

The masked figure just stares at me standing completely still.

"Who the hell is Billy?"

"You, Billy Loomis."

The masked figure shakes his head.

"Wrong, Y/n." They state.

I shrug and walk closer to them.

"I call your bluff." I state as I stand face to face with the man. "It's you Billy."

The Ghostface tosses the voice changer across the room and grabs me by my neck. He holds the knife up against my neck and I stare into the blackness where his eyes would be.

"What're you waiting for? Just kill me already." I state nonchalantly.

The Ghostface let's out a frustrated growl. He pulls the knife away and slams it into the wall, he scrapes the top of my earlobe causing it to bleed a little. A stream of blood trickles down my earlobe and makes its way down my neck.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scratch you." Billy states.

He wipes my ear and lifts his mask up enough to lean down and lick the blood off my neck. I stand there my heart racing in my chest.

The Ghostface stands back and grabs the edge of his mask, pulling it all the way off. Billy looks into my eyes.

"Told you." I smirk as I look into his eyes.

He shakes his head and closes the space between us, a hand on my waist. He looks down at me and I look up at him, his lips just a breath away from mine.

"You know I have to kill you now?" He asked.

"Or we can do something else instead..."

Billy hums intrigued. His eyes soften as he catches my hint. Before he has a chance to change his mind, I sweeten the deal by pulling him into a kiss. Billy kisses me back immediately. It starts off sweet but then turns more passionate.

I pull away from the kiss and scratch the back of his neck.

"Deal or no deal?" I asked.

Billy grabs me and lifts me up onto his waist. He kisses my neck and mutters a 'deal' against it.

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