Go To Sleep (1 of 1)

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"Alright Bye!" I wave to my friend as she gets in her car. "See ya soon!"

My friend waves back as she gets into her car. Since she's pulling out the driveway, I close and lock my front door.

I hum a tune as I walk to my room. As always, the floorboard by my bedroom door creaks.

I flop down onto my bed and close my eyes. A gush of wind flys through and I groan as I open my eyes.

I don't remember opening my window...

With another groan, I roll out of bed and close my window. I flop down onto my bed again and close my eyes.

My cellphone rings and my eyes fly open. I grab my phone from my dresser and look at it.

No caller ID.

I ignore the call. I close my eyes again. Another call comes in. I open my eyes and answer the call.

"What?" I asked. "What do you want?"

"Damn, someone's feisty..." the gravely voice states.

"Who is this? I'm tryna sleep and you're stopping me."

"Oh me? I'm nobody important." They say.

"Okayyy...what do you want?"

"Just wanted to get permission to be in your house, Y/n. And for...everything after."

I roll my eyes.

These damn prank calls...I've been getting them all week.

"Yeah sure, do what you want! As long as I can sleep. Bye."

I hang up my phone and turn it off. I close my eyes again. I'm almost asleep until I hear my floor creak. I open my eyes and look towards my doorway.

"Oh come on..." I sigh.


"C-can't you come back in the morning?" I complain. "I just wanna sleep in peace, man, o-or woman."

The white mask tilts to the side. The person stays silent. Despite my calm demeanor, I'm scared shitless, but I'm not gonna let this sleep interrupting fucker know that.

"What're you gonna kill me?" I ask as I sit up on my bed.

"No." The Ghostface states.

They walk towards me, twirling their knife in their hand.

I stare at the figure, holding my breath as they slide their knife across my cheek.

Ghostface tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"I just wanna...it might be easier if I just show you." They say.

The Ghostface pulls out a blindfold and wraps it around my eyes.

"If you listen to me, I won't hurt you. If not, well..." they say.

Let's Play a Game (Ghostface x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now