Threes the Magic Number (1 of 2)

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I stand between the two ghostfaces. Both of them are currently removing their mask from their face.

I know that since I'll know who they are, they'll kill me. Since I was going to die either way, I opened up to them and asked them if they could help me finish the last thing off my by bucket list.

I look at the two figures and see both of them. Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.

"You sure we have to kill her after?" Stu asked as he removes his garb and clothes from his body.

Billy looks at Stu and rolls his eyes. Stu has asked this same question at least four times already.

"She's the one who wanted this." Billy states. "She's lucky I agreed to this shit."

Billy's finally removes all of his clothes and he sits on my bed. Stu does the same.

I give them a little strip tease as I undress myself slowly.

I walk over to them and sit between the two guys.

I kiss Stu and he cups my cheek kissing me softly. We kiss for a while and I stroke Billy's length as I kiss Stu.

Billy's dick stiffens to my touch and I hear his breath hitch. I stop kissing Stu and stop stroking Billy.

I look at Billy who's looking at me with lust filled eyes. He's watching my every move. His eyes never leaving mine as I get on my knees in front of him.

I grab his dick and take him in my mouth. I look up at him as I bob my head and Billy looks at me nonchalantly. I can't tell if he's enjoying this or not.

Since I don't wanna leave Stu just sitting there, I stroke him as I suck on Billy's dick. Unlike Billy, Stu moans as I stroke him.

I slow down my pace on Billy and stoke Stu faster. He lets out a few curse words, but mostly moans to my touch.

I switch places. Stroking Billy's length and sucking Stu.

Stu rubs my head as I swirl my tongue around his tip. I look up at Stu and he throws his head back as I take all of him in my mouth.

He lifts me off of his dick.

"Get on the bed." He states.

I comply and wait for further instructions.

Billy makes me move closer to the edge of the bed and Stu is behind me, positioning himself at my entrance. He slides his dick inside of me and starts thrusting slowly.

Billy's length stands in front of my face and I lap at his tip. Stu speeds up his pace from behind, slowly thrusting himself into me, and Billy tires of my actions. He grabs a handful of my hair and thrust himself down my throat. I gag at his unexpected actions and he moans as he speeds up his pace.

I moan but they're muffled by Billy. Billy moans and loosens his grip on me.

Stu speeds up his stokes and I suck Billy's dick faster.

Everyone's a panting mess. Billy pulls out of my mouth, giving me a few moments to breathe.

"Fuck Stu~!" I pant.

Stu throws his hips against mine faster before pulling out of me. He walks over to me and stokes his dick.

"Switch with me Billy..." he states.

Billy nods and walks behind me giving my ass a smack before sliding into my warmth. Stu places his dick in my mouth and Billy starts thrusting into me.

I moan around Stu's dick and he lets out mixture of a whimper and a moan.


Stu's warm see fills my mouth and I swallow him. I suck his tip clean and he pants, sitting down to catch his breath.

Billy pulls out of me and flips me onto my back. He grabs my wrist and pins them above my head. Billy thrust into me quickly.

"Billy~!" I huff.

Billy chuckles and thrust into me harder.

I throw my head back and try to stifle my moans. Billy grunts with each stoke, going faster and deeper with each one.

I close my eyes as that familiar feeling settles in my stomach.

I feel myself tightening around his dick and Billy keeps his pace.

I try to slow his thrust down, but my hands are still trapped above my head so I end up failing.

My legs wrap around Billy's waist and I pull him closer to me. His thrust get slower, but he's deeper inside of me now.

A wave of pleasure runs through my body and I cry out as I come on Billy's dick. Billy pulls out of me and strokes his tip quickly. He brings himself in front of me and I open my mouth and hold out my tongue for him, looking up at him through my lashes.

"Mmm~" Billy moans.

His seed flies into my mouth. I lick my lips and close my eyes, laying back onto the bed.

A few minutes pass and then someone taps my shoulder twice and I lift my head up.

"What's the answer, Y/n?" My sixth period teacher asked me.

"Hm?" I ask as I open my eyes.

I stretch and look around. Everyone in class is staring at me, waiting for my answer.

"Oh...uh-! Three?" I guess.

"Correct." They say.

Billy is sitting on my left side, and Stu sits on the right.

"Three is the magic number." Billy glances at me with a smirk.

"Yes it is." Stu replies, the same smirk on his face.

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