I Like That (1 of 1)

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How long have I been running from this madman?

I run into a nearby locker and hide in it. I hear Ghostaces footsteps outside my locker. I know for a fact that he's seen me go into this locker.

I try to hold my breath as I hide, my heart is racing. The locker is a tight squeeze, so my back is against the wall. I look above me and I see some tools.

A hammer, a wrench, and a screwdriver...take your pick Y/n.

I grab the hammer and burst out the locker. I hit the Ghostface with the locker door and he stumbles backwards, a frustrated groan escaping his mouth.

"Damn it." He growls.

I run as fast as my legs can carry me. He's close behind me. I pant as I run, nearby branches smacking my face.

I turn to look at the Ghostface and see he's literally an arms length away from me. I stop running and swing the hammer at the man. He dodges my attack and swings his knife at me.

I dodge him and swing again. We continue to fight each other.

"Why are you fighting back?" The man asked out of breath.

"Because...I wanna live!" I state as I swing at him again.

We're both missing our attacks and wearing each other out.

The man bends over and holds a finger up asking for a second.

"Truce for a second." He states in his gravely voice. "I'm not...used to people...fighting back...this is usually..over by now." He states.

Since I'm out of breath too, I stand there catching it. Instead of standing still, I'm slowly inching away from the man.

He clears his throat and stands up straight.

"Okay, where were we?" The man asked.

"I was actually running for my life." I state plainly.

The man chuckles and shakes his head.

"Nah, I decided I wasn't gonna kill you...just wanted the thrill of the chase." He let's out a chuckle and I can feel the smirk on his face. "A game of cat and mouse..."

I stare at the man confused and a little scared.

"You're the first person to ever actually fight for your life and keep up with me. Not gonna lie, I'm extremely hard right now. I liked that." He says seductively.

"You're wha-?" I choke on the rest of my words.

The man steps forward and grabs my wrist. He easily grabs the hammer from my hand, tossing it somewhere.

He tosses the knife somewhere and holds his hands up, a peace offering.

"Would I be crazy to ask you to help me with the problem you caused?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm sorry?" I ask.

"You suck me off until I come and I'll let you get a ten- no twenty...minute head start on our chase when we start again."

I stare at the man...genuinely pondering on his offer.

"That sound good?" The man tilts his head to the side.

"And if I don't agree?" I ask.

"We'd chase each other around...maybe I'd catch you and kill you, maybe you'll escape, who knows."

I nod my head.

"Yeah...I'll take the head start." I say.

The man lets out an excited chuckle as he walks over to me. He grabs my shoulders and pushes me to my knees. The man grabs my chin rubs a finger along my lips. He slides his finger inside my mouth slowly, experimenting a bit.

With his other free hand, he lifts his robe up and unzips his pants. He slides out of them and I stroke his dick through his boxers.

He wasn't lying when he said I'd made him hard. His dick is already stiff as I stroke it. I pull his underwear down and he springs to freedom.

I lick his tip and the man's cock bounces in response to the attention.

"Go ahead...suck." He demands sternly.

I spit on his dick and slide my tongue around his shaft, making it wet with my saliva. I open my mouth and take him in my mouth.

A moan escapes his lips and he rubs my head softly.

I speed up my rhythm, sucking in my cheeks, gagging softly when he slides too far back into my throat.

"Fuck~" he mutters under his breath.

I swirl my tongue on his tip and stroke the rest of his dick as I take a second to catch my breath. The man nudges my head forward and I take it as a signal that he's ready for me to suck again.

His dick slides in and out my throat at a quick pace. I have no choice. He's grabbed the back of my head and he's guiding me at a quick pace.

The man breathes heavily as he guides me on his dick. He bucks his hips into my mouth and I place my hand at the end of his dick in an attempt to stop myself from going too deep.

He releases me and I swirl my tongue slowly on his dick.

"Mmm~" his voice is deep and he moans once I start sucking again.

He buck his hips at the speed I'm sucking and then he twitches in my throat.

"Yesss, such a good girl~!"

The man throws his head back and moans.

I look up at him and stop sucking his dick. I stroke it quickly instead and he breathes heavily as I do.

"Shit-!" He swears.

I feel him twitch again and he completely unravels at my touch. Moans and curses leave his lips and his warm seed flies onto my hands. 

The man stokes my head as he calms from his high.

"Hff..." he breathes. "A-alright. Fifteen minutes starts now."

"F-fifteen?" I ask confused.

We agreed on twenty.

"Yes fifteen...you didn't seem like you actually enjoyed that, so it made my time less enjoyable." The man laughs. "Better get to runnin' before I change my mind again."

The man slides his clothes back on and grabs his knife off the floor.

Let's Play a Game (Ghostface x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now