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--<-<-<✿ (*≧ The Funeral ≦*) ✿ ->->->--

--<-<-<✿ (*≧ The Funeral ≦*) ✿ ->->->--

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➴ A taennie story...ლ

Rose's POV

We all cried with Jennie. Her mom was a really sweet person, she took care of us when we had problems at home. She was like a second mum for me. 

Me and the girls were in a VIP room of the hospital were Jennie layed in the bed. She passed out from the shock and all the sobbing. I was sitting with Lisa on 2 chairs placed next to each other and Jisoo stood besides Jennie in the bed. Everything was silent, no one said dared to say anything. Suddenly we heard a ringing from Jennie's bag, that I took in the hurry with me. I took the phone out and saw that a random number called her. Thinking it was a spam call I declined and put the phone bag into her bag when I saw something peeking out from the inside of the bag. I pulled it out and held it into the light to see it better.

Lisa stood up to see what I held in my hand. 
"Why do you have that?" She asked.
"I don't know, it was in Jennie's bag" It was a little ball, in the size of a marble. She took it from my hand. "This is a bugging device, it tracks your location and records everything that it hears. It became quit popular on the black market, since it's high tech." I only looked at Lisa in shock. 

"Who do you think put that in her bag?" Jisoo asked, as she was still next ot Jennie but followed me when I walked out of the room, so did Lisa. "Oh I know who it was" I answered

Jimin, Taehyung and Jin, who joined them like 20 minutes ago, where sitting on chairs infront of Jennie's room. 
"What is you're guys goal?" I said as they all stood up. 
"What do you m-" Taehyung said, but before he could talk further I held up the bugging device up. He looked at Jimin said "Couldn't you have placed that better?" 
"It's not as easy as you think it is" He hissed at Taehyung back, defending himself.

"Thats not the point" Lisa also started talking now.
"The point is that even after finding out my identity, you decide to go further and eardrop on our conversations?" I paused and threw the device on the floor and crushed it with my sneakers.

"See that? That's what I will do with you guys if you don't stop minding your own damn business." I said looking at Taehyung.
Jimin smirked and walked infront of him, I was facing Jimin now.

"I would like for you to try" I only scoffed at his answer and took 1 step closer to him. Our faces were only inches apart, it felt like a déjà vu.
"You wanna bet?" I smirked back.

Thats when Jin and Jisoo pulled us both apart. 
"Guys, this is a hospital, don't make this even bigger than it already is." Jisoo said and Jin nodded. 
"Fine. It's time for you to go now" I said looking at the 3 of them.

"With pleasure" Taehyung said as they went to the right side where the door was.

One day later

Jisoo's POV

We all didn't sleep since almost 2 days now, so we worked like shifts. 1 is with Jennie waiting for her to wake up and the others sleep while waiting for an answer, of her waking up. Lisa was already done, so we switched and now it's my turn. It was already pretty late, and the sun started to go down.

I read some stories out load from a book, got some water in case she wants to drink something when she wakes up and kept her warm with a snuggly blanket.

After reading some more, I was a little hungry and got some snacks from a vending machine at the entrance. When I went back Jennie was not in her bed anymore. I freaked out and immediately called the girls. 

"What if someone kidnapped her? I would never forgive myself if anything happens to her too" I said to the girls. "Don't worry we are coming, we will find her" Lisa said.

I looked in almost every room of the hospital. But everything was in vain. I didn't find her, as if she'd vanished. So I started to look outside. 

Some nurses wandered with other patients, so I asked them if they saw a girl with hospital clothes. But they didn't see anyone in particular since every patient wears these type of clothes. I walked around and finally, I saw her, look up at dawn.

I slowly moved to her "Do you know how worried I was. You can't just leave like that" She didn't listens and kept starring up in the sky.

"Do you think she is up there now?" she asked pointing into the sky. I couldn't hold myself anymore and a tear started running down my cheek. I hugged her and answered "Yes, she is at a better place now." We both started crying now. She broke our hug and said something unexpected. 

"I will do it. I will join the mafia"


"What do you mean you will join? I thought you didn't want to" Lisa asked sitting next to Jennie on the hopsital bed. Me and Rosie stood infront of them. 

"I need to find that bastard, I want revenge" Jennie said furious, she was only seeing red now.
"That shouldn't be the reason why you're joining" Rose answered.
"Why? So that motherfucker can run around freely and hurt more people. No thanks. I will make him suffer..." she added.
"You're right" I said, Lisa and Rose looked at me in shock why I agreed. "He killed a person that was also dear to me. I will help you Jen" 


But that was a problem for after the funeral. 3 days passed.
Jennie, me, Lisa and Rose were standing infront of a picture of Jennie's mom that was decorated with many flowers. Jennie stepped forward and lighted the canldle. We all bowed on the bowing area infront of the picture. After all the traditional etiquette, we ate the prepared food, talking about happy story's with her mom. 

It was hard to see Jennie like this, she was always the cute but strong person, that never let things get to her. This was a time where she needed us to stay by her side 24/7.

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