See Ya Ladies!!

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It's time to pack up ready for when Sophie picks me up to catch our flight. I've picked out both casual and dressy outfits. I'm in my room when Sophie comes strolling in, and she inspects my suitcase. "Where's that sexy lingerie set and new sexy pyjamas that you got in New York?" She asks with her hand on her hip and her brow raised.

"They're in those drawers, why?" She laughs softly, whilst browsing those drawers

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"They're in those drawers, why?" She laughs softly, whilst browsing those drawers. "You're going to see Jordan. Don't you want to make that extra effort?" I look at her questionably. "I really don't know Sophie, I've never thought of us like that." Liar, I silently yell at myself. She packed them in my case anyway. I check the time, we have half an hour before we need to leave. I put in my toiletries and my makeup bag in an overnight bag.
I'm on the plane, and I've never been a fan of flying ever since I was on a flight that was full of bad turbulence. Sophie was flat out asleep so I was left to deal with my anxiety by myself. The crew constantly checked in on me and supplied me with drinks.

I think by the time we landed, I was a little tipsy! Thankfully we were heading to the hotel and going straight to bed

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I think by the time we landed, I was a little tipsy! Thankfully we were heading to the hotel and going straight to bed. The show wasn't until tomorrow after we travel to the next hotel. As tonight we're stopping at the airport hotel. "I can't believe that you're tipsy, and I'm sober as a judge! I might have a drink or two before bed." I'm like whatever, do what makes you happy. I'm more interested in getting room service because I'm starving, and possibly to soak this alcohol up.
As soon as I plonk down on the bed, I sigh with relief. My body aches and feels exhausted from all of the travelling. Hunger is definitely prevalent now. "So just one more night before you see your guy, you excited?!" I hear Sophie ask from the bathroom. The thought of Jordan brings a big smile to my face. "Yeah, I am. I've missed him." I hear her cooing, oh my god! We order room service and get ready for bed. It doesn't take us long to fall asleep.

Today , or should I say later tonight, I get to see Jordan and the rest of the band. It's been almost a month since I last saw him. Since losing Jon, we've been hanging out a lot, supporting each other through our shared grief, but it's also brought the two of us closer. We enjoyed a much needed lie in. Once we're ready, we leave to travel to the next hotel which is nearer the venue where the guys are hosting their show for the next few nights.
"Are you sure that I look okay?" Nervously, I ask Sophie for the tenth time since putting this outfit on.

I'm wearing this top except I've cut off the sleeves and widened the neck, and Sophie has tied it up in a bow under my bust

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I'm wearing this top except I've cut off the sleeves and widened the neck, and Sophie has tied it up in a bow under my bust. With it I'm wearing a faux leather skater skirt and black boots.
We're now at the hotel and busy getting ready. "Yes, you look really good Filly!! Let me style your hair and do your makeup for you, I can tell you're nervous." I glare at her in the mirror. She laughs and shrugs her shoulders. "I'm not nervous." She rolls her eyes at. "You are! Why are you nervous if Jordan is just your friend?" I tell her that I don't know. "And also he's my best friend." I hear her snickering. "Yeah, the same best friend whose clothes you'd love to strip off and show him how much you love him!!" I gasp. Gotta deny and shoot her down, I can't deal with her putting these thoughts into my head, hurting my heart. "Two people can be platonic and that's what we are". She looks at me as if she doesn't believe me.
While I'm enjoying a drink, I send Jordan a message to let him know that we'll be there tonight,
'Can't wait to see you Filly! You're gonna love this show.'
He replies almost immediately. Glad to know he's happy to see us too. "I think we should have a toast to celebrate us being here." She suggests as she's looking inside the room fridge to see what is in it. I'm guessing there's nothing as she's phoning for room service. Oh no, I do not want to be tipsy again! "Sophie, why don't we just go to the bar downstairs and get a drink because I really don't want to drink a full bottle of wine or something." She ponders for a moment. "Good idea!" So we get our belongings, tickets etc that we need and lock our room door.
It's quite busy in the hotel bar. I look around and see a lot of Blockheads, with T-shirts, and posters etc covered in the guys heads. I overheard a couple of girls talking. "I can't wait to see Jordan, he's gotten fitter as he's got older, like fine wine!" Lol that I can agree. "He's so amazing at being able to do this tour with Jon dying." Great, what a mood dampener talking about my late best friend. "I always focus on Jordan, especially when he does that song, oh my gosh, he needs to meet me, I'd take care of his needs!" Nice to know you care ladies, I think to myself. Sophie raises both brows at hearing this conversation next to us. "I just want to jump his bones! He's a walking sex on legs!" I heard the girl next to me announce to her friends so casually and they laugh. Sophie squeezes my hand, knowing how much the girls are grating on me, I whisper to her, "he's more than just a piece of meat. I hope they're not like this if they meet him." A thought comes to mind so I turn to face them, "hey ladies, I heard once that he was in a sixty-nine position and all he did was fart, and I mean stinky farts as well, the poor girl threw up it was that bad!" Their faces are horrified by my announcement to them. They look disgusted. I hear Sophie trying to hide her laughter behind her bag. "See ya ladies!" I grab my own bag and walk away with Sophie in tow. Once I'm outside, I burst out laughing. "Where the hell did that come from?! Their faces were a picture!" I blush. I hope he doesn't hear this supposed rumour because he'd probably hate me. A taxi pulls up outside the hotel and we climb into it. It's time to see Jordan and the guys!

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