Chapter 3: Training

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Pip was sleeping peacefully and comfortably in his new bed that was fit for royalty, though that royal might argue it's only good enough for their love... which is exactly what is happening.

"I'm the prince, and I say he has that room!" Damien yells.

The butler that Damien is talking to says back, "Yes, but your Highness, he's a worker, and a worker shouldn't..." The butler was cut off by Damien.

"He's keeping the room!" Damien, at this point, was furious.

"And where will we put the important guests?" The butler asks.

"Let them have the worker rooms for once to put their arrogant, plump asses who can't deal with a normal working-class room."

The butler sighs and asks, "Ok. And for the new worker?"

"Show him the ropes. Don't hurt him!! You treat him like you would a royal. Alright?" Damien commands.

"Yes, your Highness... but um..." the butler stutters.

"Yes?" Damien raises an eyebrow.

"Do you think... he might be... the one?" the butler asks.

Damien looks down and sighs, "I hope... I really hope."

"You're running out of time, Damien. You can't spend your time with only one. We can have people line up outside, and you can..." The butler was once again cut off.

"No! I will not spend the rest of my life with someone I don't know! Plus... I have been waiting for this moment my whole life. He's perfect... absolutely perfect..." Damien says.

"Your Highness?" the butler says.

"Yes?" Damien answers.

"Your father has been wondering... about your sexuality?" the butler sweats a little, nervous.

"I don't know... I guess I'll know when I get someone finally. I shouldn't focus on that. I have more important matters right now." Damien is silent for a minute, "Go get Philip, the new worker. You know the room. You will call him Philip, nothing else. Alright?"

The butler nods, "Alright, your highness."

"Good. Now good. I have other stuff to do right now...." Damien walks off, and the butler goes over to Pip's room and knocks on the door.

"Excuse me? Mr... Philip?" they say.

Pip wakes up from the knock, "Blimey! I'm on my way!" he goes over and opens the door, "Apologies. I, um... must have drifted off."

The butler nods, "It's fine, Mr. Philip. The prince had asked me to take you to get trained. So please get yourself fixed up and follow me."

"Righto! Hold on, please." Pip goes back into his room and grabs a brush to fix his hair. He then fixes his clothes and heads out, "Right-o. Off we go."

"Alright." The butler starts walking, and Philip follows.

They head down a bunch of hallways that all look the same, "Excuse me, where are we headed?" Pip asked.

"Here." The butler handed him a map and pointed to a place on it called, 'Worker training area.' Pip nods.

"V-Very well then." They keep going.

As they keep walking, Pip comments, "I must say, this place is rather pleasant."

"Well yes, of course. It is Hell's royal castle." The butler replies.

"Yes well.... I guess it's expected." Pip smiles.

That's when they come to a door, "We are here. Please step inside." the butler says.

"Will you be by my side?" Damien x PipWhere stories live. Discover now