! Flowers !

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- Killer was walking around the castle, which had such a pretty garden, until he found someone. -

Killer's POV

It was around .. 4 AM -? I had no idea. I couldn't sleep and was so bored.. Why can't something interesting happen? I mean, it's dawn! I sighed longly, following with a groan as I got up from my messed up bed; I never fixed it, I always slept there anyways, what's the point of fixing it if I'm messing it up again?

I thought about stupid stuff as I got out of my room and walked through the big, long and cold hallways in the castle. Why a castle? Geez, he doesn't even go to all of the places here, I think all I've ever seen here is Nightmare's office, the dinning room, the other's rooms and some stupid and useless rooms where we just chit chat.. I frowned before yawning quietly, looking to the side as I was downstairs without noticing.

'The hell is this..?', I thought as I stared at the bigass door by my side; It was decorated with some gold and purple plants.. Even though it was very old it looked pretty. I shrugged my thoughts off and opened it with all the strength I got, panting as I opened at least a bit of it, which made me gasp at the little scratch that all my effort did-!

I sighed again, frowning as I thought if that really was a good idea.. I mean, I was curious, but the door was so heavy. I rolled my eyes at my stupid indecision and tried opening once again; Which again, opened just a bit, but thankfully it was enough for me to pass through it with some more of my effort.

I groaned and held myself in my knees as I panted a bit; 'All that just to get into .. "A garden?". I said after looking up and seeing a garden full of mostly yellow or golden flowers, it doesn't matter. I hummed calmly as I walked through the small path that went further into the garden, making me smile faintly as I felt comfortable in there. It was a chill place that he never thought it would exist in such a bad-cared place like this.

Walking further, I sat in front of some purplish flowers, smiling as I analyzed them.. They look healthy- 'Does Nightmare takes care of them? No.. Probably someone else, he wouldn't care about flowers right?', I thought silently as I caressed the flower. I flinched as I heard quick footsteps, making me flinch as I felt someone behind me.

I carefully looked up a bit nervous as I- I saw Nightmare staring down at me with a bored expression, making me shiver a little as he stared right into my eyes. "Uh- Hi..! Nightmare-..", I said hesitantly with a slow chuckle. "Why are you here?", he asked somewhat calmly, which made me get a bit confused. I got up carefully and turned to him, looking up as he was obliviously taller than me.

"Just admiring..! I guess..", I say nervously as I glanced to the side a bit. He didn't answer, just turned around and walked towards the door, that was distant from us. I widened my eyes as he just walked off, leaving me suddenly with questions; "Hey- Wait!! Why do you have this garden?? Why are you here!?", I asked, more like yelling as I followed him to catch his pace. He didn't answer once again, but that didn't stop me- "Do you come here everyday? Why?", I ask more questions as we got closer to the door, making me frown as he got out, which I hesitantly leave with him.

"Why are you ignoring me?", I asked once again, demanding an answer as I crossed my arms.. I knew I didn't had the position to command him or some shit like that, but actually.. "I like flowers.. Those flowers.", he finally answers as he looked at me, his expression getting annoyed as he stared at my eyes again. I blushed a bit at the tone of voice his used, like he had possession.. Of me- 'Okay, that was weird! That is weird-!', I thought before noticing that he was already walking away from the door.

"Ah- Wait!", I ran again behind him,walking by his side before asking: "Why?? Are they special?"; I was obviously curious by why he liked the flowers.. I mean, he doesn't like anything, why the flowers? .. It took him some minutes to finally answer... "Because.. I find them pretty."

I stared blankly at our front as I just blinked nonchalantly; 'Really? That's it?'. I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Yeaah.. Okay.", there was some seconds of silence before I said: "Do you go there everyday?". He glanced at me and then to the opposite side, it was possible to see a faint blush on his face.. "Yes.. Why?", he frowned as he finished his sentence, forcing himself to look grumpy again as they got closer to his office.

"Can I come with you?", I asked casually, with a wide smile as I put my hands in my hoodie's pocket. He widened his eyes as we stood in front of his door, making him look at me; ".. I- Guess..", that's all he said before entering his office calmly. "I'll see you tomorrow there!", with a chuckle, I yelled before he could completely close it. I turned around confidently and walked back to my room, which wasn't that far. Heck, I was so happy that I almost screamed in the hallway- I got to have some time alone with Nightmare! .. 'Why am I happy thought-?', I stopped midways, staring blankly at the floor, feeling my face heat up slightly.

Nightmare's POV

Shaking, I sat down at my chair. My forehead frowned as I crossed my arms quickly.. What just happened? I- I got to have a date with Killer-? No.. That's not it. I thought for almost an hour, flinching as I heard papers falling to the ground, which I accidentally pushed without noticing.


I covered my face with my hands, totally ignoring the papers. I can't just accept something like this! That place was supposed to be private and- I get my energy from negative feelings, not-... Happy.. Feelings-.. I looked up and stared at my door for some minutes. 'It's just some stupid encounters. That's all..', I forced the thought into my head before sighing and holding my chin with my palm, thinking once again.. He couldn't get out of my mind now, making me flustered without noticing.

I'm back, even thought I just disappeared for some days- I'm just bad with ideas and stuff, but when I have one I storage it on my Drafts, and when I get tired, I stop to continue it later- But here it is!

Sorry for Nightmare's POV being so short btw.

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