! Imperfections!

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Hi! I took some time to post again because I just got a new cellphone 💀 My last one broke- And today, I came home so tired of everything, thinking about how stupid I am, and honestly.. that's not true, I'm just sad today. But I want to write! So, eh..

"Why don't you post in any social medias?"

"I don't want to."


"Because I'm not pretty."


Boring, weird, dumb.. Stupid, or whatever, is the same thing I guess. That's all I am. Or at least what I think everyone else thinks.

Narrator's POV - Killer's Vision

Killer got up from his chair and stretched, frowning as he stared at the mess he made, when his objective was to study properly.. A long sigh came from his mouth as he looked at the clock to see the time.. He didn't bother to act surprised when he saw he was quite late; Just groaned and packed his stuff, pushing it inside his backpack.

He immediately got out of his room after changing; The house was empty besides his and his mother's presence, but she was probably fucking with some random guy since her room was locked.. He just knew that because he heard the door lock when he was in his room earlier.

It didn't take long to reach the school after he got out of the house, since he lived 'nearby' it. He looked around at the entrance to make sure no one was there to notice he was late, just entering the high school quietly as he gave a sigh of relief when he got inside, rushing to his classroom.

The class wasn't totally silent, so he just entered it in hopes that he wasn't going to be noticed by literally everyone, since that happened a lot. He silently got in his seat, but as soon as he did, he heard his name being said loudly, in such an authority tone that made him shiver. Of course, people looked at him, which made him sigh as he trembled slightly, feeling uncomfortable from all those stares; He looked up at the teacher and just waited for her to say something.

"Why are you late?", she asked with a serious expression, tapping her fingers in her desk as she leaned as close as possibly to him, which was possible since he sat pratically in front of the teacher. Accidentally, he ended up not answering the teacher's question as he was too busy a analyzing perfectly for the Narrator's script. That made Mrs. Wind groan and frown in frustation, getting up as she totally ignored him, in hopes to stop her anger.

That was surprising and also good to Killer, who felt the stares stopping, making a wave of relief wash over his body.. And he was finally in peace, opening his notebook quietly, taking some stupid notes from the teacher's saying and-

Someone poked him from behind. He frowned and turned around slightly, " What?". The boy behind him simply gave him a folded paper, muttering quietly that someone wanted to give this to him. He just glanced at the boy one more time before picking it up and turning back around.. Who would give him a paper? Was it a letter? He just rolled his eyes and smirked in amusement; Who would ever give him a letter? He unfolded it quietly as he heard some light chuckles in the back of the class..

.. Honestly, what else did he expect? ... He stared at the dumb drawing in silence. He had seen this stuff before, but he couldn't help but feel pitied for himself.. Feel sad. He simply crumpled the paple in a ball and held it in his hand as he stared down at it, feeling his eyes wanting to water. But he wouldn't cry just now, not in the middle of the class, that would make him more stupid, wouldn't it..?

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