! That One Key !

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I'M ALIVE!! Sorry for disappearing, haha-

This story tells about Killer, who only has playing keyboard as a comfort, and Nightmare, who doesn't understand basics of feelings. ;)


Killer's POV

The bell rang not only around the school, but inside Killer's head as well. He raised his head with a frown, mumbling something not even he himself knew what it was. Picking up his stuff from his table, he got up and didn't bother to look at the teacher, who was still talking some stuff about math he did not care at all.

He squeezed through the students walking around as their classes were finished. Didn't take long as he heard someone call his name from somewhere near the lockers; he looked towards the voice he knew so well and his face finally lightened up.

"Ayy! There you are-", Dust said in a mocking tone before groaning in pain from the kick Killer gave on his legs. There was this group in the school where people called 'Bad Guys'.. For some reason that Killer didn't know, since they just fuck around stupidly.

Unfortunately, he was somehow part of this group, and honestly, it was the best thing in his life. He had no other motivation to exist besides playing music and being with his friends.. Well, there is something else, but I won't spoil.

".. he told us to meet at the rooftop.", Horror finished his phrase with a shitty grin, chuckling. Killer blinked a few times, noticing he hasn't been hearing to the conversation this whole time. "Who?", he asked to make sure, caughting Error's attention, who was trying hard to take a bite of the cookie in his hand.

"Ni- Niightmarr", he said in middle of his groans of pain, clenching his teeth and feeling the pain they were feeling for trying to bite the cookie. Killer widened his eyes for a second, trying to process what Error said, but soon realized and hummed, turning back to the two stupid that were laughing at jokes.

"Why though? I thought he was afraid of heights-", Killer asked curiously, the last phrase almost as a mutter. The three looked at him in surprise, making Killer feel suddenly nervous. "He's what? Afraid of heights? No way.", Dust said in a suspicious tone, with his mouth gaping.

"You guys didn't know?", Killer was the one surprised now, grinning and laughing it off like he had won the world. "Guess I'm his favorite~", he said in a teasing tone, turning around to go towards the stairs and go to the rooftop. Error seemed pissed off, he yelled in annoyance and threw the damn cookie away, following after Killer like an angry dog.

Horror and Dust stood there for a moment looking at each other for a few seconds, "I think he's gay.", Horror finally said after they went back to look towards Killer and Error from the distance. That paralyzed Dust, making him gasp and stare at the nothing before turning towards Horror; "Hell, what?"

< — >

No One's POV

When Killer and Error got on the rooftop, they saw Nightmare. .. and Cross. They were distant from each other, Nightmare was gazing at the view, sitting at edge of the roof; on the other side, Cross was smoking by himself, standing as far as he could from everyone else.

Nightmare seemed to have noticed they got there, since he turned towards them. "Where are the others?", he asked quietly, but loud enough for everyone up there to hear. Cross just glanced at them and ignored, giving an small nod as a greeting.

Error frowned at that and gave him the finger. Killer ignored and paid attention to Nightmare, feeling his heart beat faster as he heard his voice again. "They're coming, I guess.", Killer said as he forced himself to look away. Not longer after, Dust and Horror got there; Dust seemed suspicious, staring deadly at Killer as soon as he got there.

Killer raised an eyebrow at that expression, but soon his attention went back to Nightmare as he called his attention. "Can.. We talk for a minute?", Nightmare asked seemingly nervous; that made Killer chuckle. "Sure, let's go over there.", he pointed towards a spot far from the others. Nightmare nodded silently and went towards the place Killer had pointed.

Killer looked one last time at Dust, turning around slowly and running to Nightmare, who was already there. Dust stared in despair, widening his eyes as he glanced at Horror by his side. "See? I told you.", Horror said nonchalantly. Dust glared at him in confusion.

< — >

None of them said a thing, it was a comfortable silence.. But Killer didn't understand. "So-", he said quietly, suddenly being cut by Nightmare. "You play keyboard don't you?", Nightmare asked, feeling slightly guilty by talking on top of Killer; he didn't let it affect him though.

"Oh.. Uh- Yes.. How do you know?", Killer confirmed nervously, looking down automatically as if it would protect him from whatever Nightmare would say next; he didn't sound friendly, and first of all, that was a secret Killer kept from everyone. How would he know that?

"You've never told us.", he said coldly, glancing at Killer. "Hm- Yeah.. I mean, no one knows. Except for you, apparently.", he smiled to cover his nervousness. Nightmare didn't mean to sound cold as he was, but he tried his best here.

Killer looked back at the view they had from the rooftop, definitely not expecting what Nightmare said next. "Would you allow me to hear you play once?"; his tone was gentle, something Killer would never imagine to happen. He widened his eyes and looked at Nightmare, the feels of his cheeks warming up was the only thing he paid attention besides Nightmare's presence.

"I- I mean..", he immediately looked away, blinking multiple times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "It's okay if you can't, don't force yourself..", he cleared his throat and looked away too, covering his cheeks with his hand. "Ah! No- I can!", he said in excitement, looking up at Nightmare with nervous smile.

Nightmare didn't answer. He looked back at Killer, not bothering himself to hide his blush anymore. ".. You sure?", he asked in quite concern. Didn't take long for him to notice he was giving himself away for Killer.. He adjusted his posture and tried to put on a cold expression again.

Killer chuckled and looked back at the view. "I'm sure.", he said calmly, surprising Nightmare.

Nightmare's POV

He couldn't help but stare at Killer's smile.. Nightmare frowned in embarassment, looking down to distract himself. He never understood those feelings like joy, love, hope.. No one never taught him how to feel. He always got embarassed and unsure of what to say.

"How did you know I played keyboard, hmm?", he heard Killer finally ask. Nightmare looked at him and at the view, shoving his hands at his pockets. "You sometimes come to school with a long bag in your back, I always wodered what it was. I knew it was probably an instrument by the looks of it, but.. To be honest, one day I followed you once all your classes were over and you entered an empty room. I just heard you playing a bit, but not much since I had plans."

All that shocked Killer. He had always been cautious about it, and Nightmare had managed to find it out. "Woah.. That's unexpected.", he giggled a bit nervous, fidgeting with his fingers. Nightmare couldn't help but find it cute, almost smiling when he noticed he was thinking too much.

After a minute of comfortable silence, he looked back at the others, who were doing unsurprisingly bad. Nightmare just shrugged and looked back at Killer; "Is it okay this weekend for us to meet up?", he asked hesitantly, receiving an excited nod as an answer.

A quiet chuckle left his mouth before he looked at the boys, "Let's go back.", he said after recomposing his cold expression after a few embarrassed movements. Killer looked a last time at the view and felt all his problems fade away.

He took a long breath and grinned, not bothering to remember he'd have to go back home after hanging out with his friends for a while. He looked at Nightmare and nodded again, this time calmly. They walked back to their stupids friends, walking side by side as Killer held himself not to hold Nightmare's hand.


part 2? that's smth you readers can decide, 'cause i do have some plans here, but i have terrible creativity ¬¬

ty for reading <3

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