Chapter 17: Perfect Little Accident

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Chapter 17

"Death ends a life, not a relationship." - Mitch Albom

I didn't know where I was, or what was happening, but I'm sure it wasn't good. Number one, I smelled blood. A lot of it. Number two, the blood was coming from me. It was dripping from my head, and down my face.

"Sam." I said, repeatedly tapping her on the shoulder. I waited a few moments, but she never moved. I anxiously waited for any sign of life, but it wasn't coming

"Sam." I repeated, nudging her harder in the arm. I waited a moment. She wasn't moving, and I was getting really worried. I looked out the broken window, but all I could see was darkness.

"Help!" I screamed.

There was a sharp, excruciating pain that radiated up my left side. I winced, but wincing only made the pain worse.

I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt, but it wouldn't budge.

"Would you keep it down, I have a headache." I looked from the broken window, then to an awake and alive Sam.

She was beginning to slowly open her eyes. I let my breath go, followed by the sharp pain again. I hadn't realized I'd been holding it.

"What happened?" She weakly asked.

"We were in an accident." I said, not quite certain.

"Why am I upside down?" She questioned.

"The car got flipped." I said, only assuming though since we were hanging upside down.

Her eyes opened wide. A expression of concern spread across her bloody face.

There was a large gash across the side of her forehead, along with several other small ones. The large cut was dripping blood, and was kind of gross. It made me feel dizzy, but that was probably just from my lack of blood.

She closed her eyes.

"You gotta stay awake." I said, slapping Sam's arm.

"But I can't. I just want to close my eyes."

Her eyelids slowly fell over her eye.

"Samantha Shoey, are you saying you can't do something?" I questioned, trying to keep her awake without her realizing it.

"Keep me awake then."

I cleared my throat, then began thinking of a topic we could talk about.

"OK, give me the top three best moments of your life."

She slowly rolled her head towards my direction. Her expression showed no interest.

"Why?" I didn't answer, and my eyes were fixated on the blood.

"You start." She said.

I thought a moment, until finally I had one.

"Number three. When Brooke was born." I waited for her to give an answer.

"This is stupid." She said, rolling her head away from me.

"Why is it stupid? It might be saving your life, you never know." I looked out the broken window again, still not seeing anything but the cold black night.

"It's stupid because you're going to think that my answer is really dumb when you hear it."

"Just tell me."

"OK, but you can't laugh. My first Mizzou game with my dad."

I would of laughed, but figured that wouldn't help my ribs any. Instead I just smiled and didn't say anything.

"Number two. Our first kiss."

This time she smiled, but it quickly faded.

"Number two. My Freshman year when I made that buzzer beater against Milan in the district championship." She didn't say anything, and instead seemed to be replaying it over again in her head.

"Number one, when you told me you loved me." She said.

"Number one. When you told me you loved me back." She nodded her head, then closed her eyes. I was about to shake her awake, but she flickered her eyes open.

"I'm scared Jaxon." She said.

I honestly had no clue what do or say next, because I was feeling exactly how she was. Scared as if we were going die.

"It will be alright." I reached for her hand, and she quickly grabbed it and squeezed it tight, like she knew this could be the last time we do this.

I heard a car nearing the south side of the car. I saw the headlights reflecting off the broken glass on the ground. I heard a car door slam, then the sound of glass being crushed by feet. A redheaded man peeked his head in, then seemed relieved we were both still alive.

"I already called 911."

I squeezed her hand harder, then flashed a half hearted smile in her direction. We weren't in the clear yet. I closed my eyes, beginning to feel weaker and weaker. My eyes flashed open when I heard the sound of the sirens. I never thought that something so annoying and loud could sound so great and wonderful at the same time.

The sirens kept growing louder, until eventually they were parked next to us. I heard another door slam, following the sound of two men talking.

"Drew, you get passenger, I'll get driver." A deep voiced man shouted over the sirens.

"Can you tell me your name sir?" The same man asked me.

"Jaxon. Jaxon Duncan."

"You Noah's son?"

I silently nodded.

Something about his jet black hair and bright green eyes made him look familiar, and somehow he seemed to know who I was.

"Can you move your feet?" He asked, sticking his head further into the vehicle.

I moved them around, at least I thought they were moving.

"Where does it hurt?"

"My side."

"Is it like a sharp pain, or a radiating pain?"


He began to click his tongue to the roof of his mouth. He then began to feel up the side of my ribs. Each time his fingers traveled upward, the pain only got worse. He muttered something to himself that I couldn't quite hear.

"How is she?" He asked the other other paramedic about Sam.

"She's not breathing."

And just like that, my world didn't make sense.

Author's Note

HEY GIRLFRIEND! So I got another chapter up, and I hope you like it! This one I personally love! Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Love, Maddie

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