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George yawned.. rubbing his eyes.
"Mhm.." he slid the feather into the book.. closing it before he laid down calmly.

He was extremely tired.. but he was just going to let Dream rest in peace..

George curled into the blankets..pulling the blankets over his shoulders.
".... Night night.." he muttered quietly..


Dreams feathered ears perked up.. looking away from his book and down at George.
"Hmm..?" He cocked a brow.. looking around..

Did he really fall asleep..? Without even arguing..?

Dream flicked his wings.. closing his book.. he looked- peaceful.. and calm..
"Pfft." He rolled his eyes faintly.

He soon got comfortable.. he just needs to sleep in here until the storm passes- then he can live freely... and sleep outside.

Dream stared at the ceiling.. he felt like an idiot.
"Tch.. Sapnap.." he scoffed to himself... mate? That's for lonely losers that can't decide who they want to be with in life..

And himself? He wants to live freely and happily.. with himself.. no control...

As he was about to close his eyes- he was cut off when he heard mumbling.

"What the-" Dream looked down.. seeing George flinching in his sleep.
"He just went to sleep.." he grumbled quietly.. not wanting to get up.
"Come on.."

He watched as George mumbled in his sleep.. getting slightly annoyed or frustrated..?

Dream made his way down towards George.. making his way up to him.
"Are you alright..?" He softly spoke.. tapping the blankets.

George continued to flinch in his sleep...wincing.

Dream was hesitant but removed the blanket.. seeing the briefly changing features on george..
"The fuck-" he watched the faint scales on him form.

He soon noticed.. there was bits of blood where those scales were growing in.

Dream grew concerned.. is George okay..?
"Hey-" he tapped George's shoulder awkwardly.
"You uh... okay..?"

He didn't want his bed getting ruined..

George continued to sleep.

Dream just let out a small sigh.. lowering himself at the side of the bed.. I guess he is resting here until George decides to stop being weird.

.: morning :.

George mumbled.. hugging a pillow softly.
"Mhm.." he curled into a ball.. fluttering his eyes awake...

He felt.. like absolute shit..and was in pain.

George let out a sneeze.. groaning soon after..
"Oww..." he coughed.. sitting up straight- was his sick..?

"Are you done..?" Dream mumbled in an annoyed tone.

George rubbed his eyes.. looking up at the hammock... but Dream wasn't there.
"What..?" He looked down- seeing Dream lean against the bed.

"You seemed like you didn't have a good sleep and wouldn't be quiet.." Dream looked over his shoulder.. seeing the faint changes in him.
"I guess I know what happened with the potion fully."

George blinked.. but before he said a word- he started severely coughing.

Dream gave George a concerned look.
"Are you sick-" he got up.. placing the back of his hand on George's forehead.
"Don't be coughing all over my bed."

.: A feather in tranquil waters :.Where stories live. Discover now