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.: next morning :.

George rubbed his eyes.. mumbling as he sat at the end of the bed.
"So early.." he whispered.
"Everything hurts."

"Mhm." Dream adjusted his gear, making sure his boots are strapped on tightly.
"You wanted an early morning." He flicked his wings.
"I woke us up once the light shines through the window."

George let out a small groan..

Dream slid his trench coat over his wings.. hiding them.. making sure he can easily flick them out.

"What are you doing..?" George stared at the blonde.. why cover his wings.

"Well, I'm going to intervene this little.. deal I heard that's going to happen at noon." Dream adjusted his gloves, turning to look at George.
"I want to get more valuable items."

"How do you know this will happen..?" George tilted his head to the side.
"At noon?" He didn't know where Karl heard this from.

"Karl is usually the one to get info... he shifts and talked to one of the men." Dream watched the brunette sit up straight.
"I trust him." He smiled.

"I'll follow you then." George looked at Dream.. he seemed human at first glance..
"Hopefully it's not too long from now." He stretched his arms.

"You should wear gloves, it will hide your claws." Dream didn't want George getting caught or harmed.
"We want to pretend to be the buyers." He made his way to the brunette.

"I guess so." George looked at his hands, seeing his claws....
"Still so weird that I'm this now." His smile grew- examining his hands.

He picked up a roll of bandages and began to wrap his wrists.

"Well, I still find you attractive, even as a human." Dream stood in front of George, carefully grabbing the bandages from the brunette.
"You are beautiful."

George smiled, watching as Dream bandaged his arms for him.
"Thank you." He felt glad.

"Let's get you a nice outfit to wear, and we can walk in the market."

.: The Market :.

George adjusted the cloak around his body, following after the pirate.
"So.. where are we going." He looked at all the booths.
"I'm following you."

"Well.. we have an few hours to kill before heading to where we need to go." Dream stood next to the brunette, resting his hands on his hips.
"Maybe longer."

"You mean an hour.. not a few." George flicked out a pocket watch, checking the time.
"I see why your missions always go wrong." He hummed.. snapping the pocket watch close.
"You don't keep track of the time."

"Now that was rude, they don't always go wrong!" Dream shook his head, adjusting his mask.
"Tell me one that went wrong!" He scoffed.

George glanced at Dream.
"The potion?" He cocked his head to the side.
"Maybe that."

"Okay." Dream had an unimpressed look under his mask.
"How about instead.. we shop around a little." He tucked his hands into his pockets..

"Maybe." George shrugged... shopping wasn't his thing.
"We could just-" he was cut off.

"no, no stealing yet." Dream turned to George, scrunching his nose.
"I don't want to get caught immediately." He huffed.

"Too bad." George held up a pouch, sticking his tongue out.
"I wanted to feel a thrill." He pouted.

Dream was confused for a moment till he stared at the bag.
"YOU!-" he checked all his pockets before snatching the bag back.

George let out a small chuckle, adjusting his cloak.
"Let's see who can steal more." He nudged dreams shoulder.

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