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Dream lowered himself in front of the door.. making his way inside.
"God.." he had a sigh of relief.. glad he didn't have to deal with Sapnap anymore.

He was too embarrassed to tell George.

Dream just couldn't.. how was he supposed to tell the him that he was his soulmate practically?! He cant! He would look like a joke to George...

But once he made his way in... he quickly noticed the brunette was gone.

Dream blinked.. seeing the empty bed.
"Where the fuck did my blanket go???" He was a little baffled.

Did George leave the room..?

As Dream turned around- he felt something firm hit him at the top of his head.

"OW FUCK-" Dream grabbed the top of his head.. looking down at the book that just hit him in the head.
"What the-" he quickly looked up.

He noticed the brunette was wrapped up in a blanket in the hammock.

Dream was more shocked at the fact George got up there with a blanket.
"What are you doing??" He walked further into the room.. looking over at George.

"Mm.." George adjusted himself.. looking down at Dream.
"Hi." He smiled softly.

"What are you doing up there..." Dream rubbed the top of his head, looking up at George.
"And how did you get up there." He had many questions..

"I climbed.." George got comfortable.
"You should lay up here as well.." he smiled.
"It's really comfy."

Dream had an unimpressed look.
"That's like.. the most couple sounding thing I've heard from you." He took his mask off.
"To lay up there with you."

George was slightly confused.. but shrugged.
"I'm gonna get some sleep before the medicine wears off." He mumbled quietly.

Dream carefully flew up towards the hammock.. carefully sitting at the end of the bed.
"Hopefully it's not another night of soreness." He was anxious that George was going to sleep uncomfortably yet again.

George looked at his hand.. softly sighing.
"I don't know.. I'm still aching once in awhile." He mumbled.
"But that medicine helps."

"Then you should get some rest." Dream decided to stay up in case.
"I'll just read.." he looked around for his book before he peaked over the edge.. seeing the book that hit his head.

George slowly drifted to sleep.. smiling happily as he felt safe to be here..

Dream looked down at his book.. carefully sliding off the bed to drop down and get it.
"Alright.." he carefully picked it up before making his way back up.. flying up.

He sat at George's feet.. soon reading his book once more.. thank god he had wings...

- few hours later -

Dream listened carefully for any unusual sounds from George..
"Mm.." he had a satisfying hum.. continuing to read.

He eventually glanced over after awhile.. seeing george peacefully sleeping.

Dream couldn't help but smile.. he was happy at the look of George- he was happy..
"I'm glad you are here.." he softly hummed.
"It's nice having a friend to talk too..... even- if I'm not a good one."

George just shuffled around.. mumbling faintly.

Dream knew this next month or so... George is going to be in constant pain due to him changing.. it's surprising enough that George has a few scales and... faint tail..? Growing in.

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