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George adjusted the blanket around him.. trying to keep himself warm.
"Mm.." he mumbled- feeling his arms ache.

He was getting tired again.. but he could not sleep.

"This is worse then last night.." Dream flew up.. carefully resting on the wooden barricade of the hammock.
"Are you alright..?" He rested next to george.

George looked over his shoulder.
"It hurts..." he saw the blonde holding a plate and a small package.
"What's that..?"

"Fruit and the medicine." Dream took off his mask... placing it down next to him.
"We should probably start giving you the medicine before you go to sleep now... if it's going to be this bad.."

George nodded- soon taking the medicine.. soon reaching for a strawberry.
"That would be nice." he carefully ate the strawberry- sitting up straight before he continued eating the fruit.
He was starving..

"Jesus!" Dream was shocked at how fast George was eating.
"Slow down." He grew worried for George... he was eating a lot.

"I'm- sorry." George muffled, looking up at Dream.
"I haven't eaten in forever..." he mumbled quietly.
"I'll stop-"

"Don't stop, continue eating." Dream held the plate in front of George.
"You are hungry, you should eat." He smiled.

George carefully took the plate.. soon slowly eating the pieces of fruit.

Dreams gaze softened.
"When was the last time you eaten??" He blinked.. quickly growing worried.
"If you can recall."

George thought for a few moments.
"I don't remember." He shook his head.
"I think.. before I stole the potion- maybe longer..?"

Dreams eyes widened.
"That was almost 3-4 days ago?!" He looked shocked.. scoffing.
"You need to eat!"

"I try too..." George continued to eat the fruit.. looking at Dream.
"But I had a set schedule back at home..." he frowned softly.
"Cause my family wanted me to be thin-"

"Well- you don't follow that set schedule anymore." Dream shook his head faintly.
"You aren't there anymore." He softly sighed
"You need to eat."

George's gaze sorrowed.
"I'll have to return eventually..." he sighed.. shaking his head.
"They'll need me."

Dreams gaze sorrowed... George still wanted to go back home...?
"Is that.. such a good idea..?" He turned his head to the side.
"Going back...? Too them..? After they tried to literally kill you."

George shrugged.
"I don't have a purpose here.." he mumbled quietly.
"I have a purpose with them."

Dream wanted to help George.. he didn't want him to go back.
"George.." he softly spoke.
"Do you want me to be entirely honest about this..?"

George gave Dream a confused look.
"What..?" He mumbled..

"George.. do you-" Dream thought of his words carefully... does George understand what's happening with his family..? George is being used.
"Understand what's going on..? At all.." He tilted his head.

George's gaze sorrowed.. not wanting to admit that he did understood.

"George.. it may hurt to know.." Dream rested his hand on George's shoulder.
"But.. you do realize you are being played and used...? Right?" He frowned.

George tear'd up.. softly nodding.
"...I know." He curled into a ball.
"I just don't know what to do..."

"Join my crew." Dream held his other hand out... holding it in front of George.
"We will find you something that you enjoy doing." He smiled softly.
"Something you are good at."

George gave Dream a confused look.
"Didn't you say I'm apart of your crew already." He mumbled quietly.

"Yes- I did-" Dream anxiously laughed... rubbing the back of his neck.
"But I'm giving you the choice if you want too or not.." he let out a small sigh.
"It's up too you if you want to stay or not....you can leave if you need too."

"Do I need to steal things for you..?" George thought he was going to have to be a thief again.
"Like I did with the merchants..? And my family."

"Ehh.." Dream was trying to think.
"Sort of....?" He sat up straight.
"We are pirates after all- but we don't send one person out by themselves to steal.. we work as a group."

George's eyes widened.
"You work as a group??" He perked up.. soon having a shocked look.

Dream nodded..
"Yeah, we always stick together." He ruffled George's hair softly.
"No matter what- so you won't get hurt."

George felt.. relieved.
"..thank you.." he leaned himself against Dream.
"You are a good friend."

Dream looked shocked.. looking down at George.
"Uh.. thank you." He smiled.. feeling happy before he realized- he did have a soft spot.

George eventually hugged Dream softly.

Dream jumped as he felt George's arms tighten-
"Is it just me- or did you get.. really strong-" he looked down.

"No...?" George gave Dream a confused look.
"Why..?" He wasn't strong..? Rather weak.

Dream just anxiously laughed.. nodding his head.
"Nothing nothing..." he smiled softly.
"I'm glad the medicine is kicking in."

George rested his head in dreams chest.
"Mhm.." he yawned.. using Dream as a pillow.

Dream was confused but shrugged before rested his head on George's.. carefully laying down.
"Goodnight." He wrapped his wings around George.

George rested his head in dreams chest.. slowly drifting to sleep.

Dream was shocked.. looking at his chest in shock.
"Pfft..." he wrapped his arms around George awkwardly.. not use to this feeling.

He felt some what relieved.. carefully letting George go and sliding away from him.

Dream sat at the edge of the bed.. looking down at the drop beneath them- he should probably go..

But as he was about to go- he felt George grab his tail..tugging him back faintly.

Dream turned around.

"Please... stay..." George hugged dreams tail.. softly smiling..
"I want you to stay.." he mumbled.

Dreams gaze softened.
"George, I have captain duties." He nudged his head.
"I need to actually work."

"I wanna come then.." George rubbed his eyes.. he wanted to spend time with Dream.
"I wanna help..." he muttered.

"You'll be walking around half asleep." Dream crossed his arms.
"You won't be able to help." He spoke some what firmly.

George frowned.
"I really want to go.." he rubbed his eyes.

"Are you sure? I'll need to carry you on my back." Dream nudged his head faintly..
"You can hide yourself under my trench coat and it will help you stay on my back."

George slowly nodded.
"Mhm.." he muttered.
"I don't mind."

Total word count: 1065

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