Chapter Three: The Prophecy

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"-and that's why I had to get away. So that I could protect my child...Eddie's child. I still see their faces in my head...they haunt me. I see them die in my dreams every single day." I finished as I explained everything leading to Vecna's plan to Erin. Erin looked at me with a shocked and sorry expression.
"Holy shit." she managed to spit out.
"Yeah. Holy shit." I replied. Erin processed everything I had told her for a minute before she opened her mouth again.
"If you had told me all of this a year ago, I would have laughed and never believed it. But it's kind of making sense."
"Making sense?" I questioned.
"Yeah...okay, so like, you know how you pretty much explained all of that and used DND names for these monsters, like Vecna and Demogorgons?"
"It's the start of the prophecy." Erin said.
"What? What prophecy?"
"In DND, if we're abiding this apocalypse, or Vecna's plan, to the game; then you must of heard about the prophecy of Vecna's fall?" said Erin. I looked at her with a lowered brow, trying to understand what she was talking about.
"Oh, it's a legendary part of the game if you involve Vecna. Lots of people don't play it because it involves time travel. But, it goes like this; an elf rouge will carry the prophecy child which is born to take down Vecna. Along side Vecna's henchman whom turned against him, Kas, the two can turn back time to undo the rule of Vecna, trapping him in his universe. An embalmed spirit will be able to keep things at bay whilst life restarts with evil banished." said Erin. I looked at her with an unsure expression. Why did that relate to me so well? That would explain why Vecna wanted my child. Was I carrying a prophecy child? "But again, this is only a game. It's not real life." finished Erin.
"That's my DND character." I spat out.
"I am an elf. I am carrying the child Vecna wants. He said to me that I was carrying the life and power he required I don't understand why he didn't kill me then if this child can destroy him?" I asked.
"Well, Vecna is a dark wizard and he would probably try and find a way to make the child join him and use its power for evil. But, Beth, it's just a game." chuckled Erin.
"But what if it's not?" I said, serious tone.
"This is the real world, surely none of us have the ability to turn back-" before Erin could finish, her elbow knocked a mug off the side of the table but before it hit the floor, I held my arm out to it and managed to use a power to stop it mid air. "...time." Erin finished as she watched the mug float in place. She turned back and looked at me with her mouth open. I was just as shocked as she was. I could feel something trickling out of my nostril as I levitated the mug back on to the table. "Okay...I must be dreaming." she said, stunned. I used my sleeve to wipe my nose and saw that blood had fallen. "How did you do that?"
"I don't know. It seems to come and go. But that's twice today." I replied, trying to figure out how that happened again.
"Have you always been able to do that?"
"Only once before and then, like I said, twice today."
"Holy shit. You are the prophecy. You're carrying the prophecy child." Erin said.
"What does that even mean, though? How can this be useful?" I asked, leaning forward.
"Girl, I know as much as you but I was just talking about a game. I don't know how this works in real life." said Erin. I slouched back down and sighed.
"There is another part I remember." Erin said, thinking.
"What is it?"
"The blind mage."
"The blind mage?"
"Yeah, someone who can see Vecna's every step with her mind. She's helpful to the elf in the quest." Erin explained.
"So I need to find...this blind mage?"
"Seems so, but's just a game."
"I know, you keep saying that. But you said I am the prophecy?"
"I know, can't be real? Can it?" Erin asked.
"If it's a way to defeat Vecna and save our world, then it's worth a shot. All my friends died. If I could turn back time, they'd come back." I said.
"I understand what you're saying and if I could go back in time and save all my family...then I would. But I'm not sure what's real and what's gameplay anymore. Your DND theory sounds correct but it can't be real, surely?" said Erin.
"Can you not see the world around you? The Upside Down is here and it's happening now. There are monsters everywhere when there shouldn't be. I think anything can be real right now." I stated, getting annoyed.
"Okay." said Erin, holding her hands up. "I'm down."
"What?" I asked her.
"I said okay."
"What do you mean?"
"If you really think this prophecy could be real, then I'm down to help you. I mean, what's the worse that could happen...right?"
"Right." I said, cracking a small smile. Suddenly, the hatch door opened up and that's when I felt a little panic fall over me. Hopper was back and Erin was here. "Shit." I said as Erin looked at me with concern. Hopper began to come down the ladder with his back to us as he spoke.
"Managed to scavenge some more cans of food again, and I got water. Lots and lots-" he stopped as he reached the bottom and locked eyes on Erin and I. "-of water. Who the hell is this?" he asked, changing his tone.
"Who are you? How'd you get in here?" Hopper cut me off. I could see the look of anger starting to build up inside of him.
"Holy shit, you are alive." said Erin, looking at him with surprise.
"Did you go up top?" he asked me.
"She needed help-"
"Beth, did you go up top!?" he asked again, raising his voice.
"I did, to help someone who was alive!" I shouted.
"You put us in danger, I thought we weren't stupid!" he shouted.
"Everything is fine and I've saved a life!" I argued. Hopper looked at me with rage and then looked over at Erin.
"You need to leave." he said to her, going over to her. He grabbed her jacket shoulder and started to drag her over to the ladder.
"Hey! Whoa!" said Erin as she stumbled.
"Hopper! Let her go!" I shouted at him.
"I can't afford to look after another life, we need you gone." he said to her.
"Hopper stop!"
"We will talk about this, when she's gone." Hopper said.
"There's a prophecy!" I yelled. Hopper stopped in place, still holding Erin's jacket and just looked at me.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"Erin told me about a prophecy. It involved me and my child." I said, pointing at my bump. Hopper released Erin as she straightened herself out.
"Jeez Louise." she mumbled, backing away from him.
"So that makes you going to the surface okay?" he asked.
"Hopper, just...hear me out. It's serious. This could change everything." I said, trying to keep calm. Hopper scoffed, looking unbelievable.
"Kid, I don't know what type of game it is that you're playing, but I am not in the mood for this. You, get out." he said, pointing at Erin.
"Hopper! Sit!" I yelled at him and I held my hand out and flung the chair out from under the table in front of him. He jumped back at the sight, looking just as surprised as before. I held my brow down at him as I felt blood trickle from my nose.
"Awesome." Erin said from behind Hopper with a smile.
"You did it again." Hopper said, stunned.
"I just need you to listen." I said.
"Yeah...okay...okay." said Hopper, suddenly listening.

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