Chapter Four: Fufil

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I stood next to Erin as Hopper stood ahead, aiming his gun at the ready as something began to bash its way through the bunker wall. Something big.
"What the hell is that!?" asked Erin.
"How is it underground!?" I asked.
"I don't know! Stay behind me!" Hopper yelled. I looked over to the wall and saw Steve's bat so I grabbed it and stood back next to Erin in a ready stance. She noticed and held her barge pole the same. The wall burst in and in came what we feared the most.
"A Demogorgon!" Erin screamed. The Demogorgon opened its face and roared at us and Hopper began to open fire at it. Erin and I backed up towards the bunk beds as Hopper shot. "It's not working!" cried Erin. I thought for a second and remembered I had this new found ability. I dropped the bag down and headed over to Hopper. "What are you doing!?" Erin cried after me. The Demogorgon roared at Hopper as he had to reload.
"Get behind me!" I shouted.
"Beth? What are you doing!?" cried Hopper. I threw my arm out towards the Demogorgon with a groan, attempting to use my ability. Nothing.
"Shit." I said as the Demogorgon came for me.
"Move!" shouted Hopper as he finished reloading. I screamed and dodged out of the way before he began to fire at it again. Why didn't my power work that time? What was going on with me? Suddenly, another monstrous roar came from the hole the first Demogorgon came through and that's when I saw another starting to enter. "Get out of here! Now!" shouted Hopper.
"Let's go!" yelled Erin and she headed for the hatch. I went to follow her before I remembered something. One of the few possessions I had left. I rushed back over to my bunk bed. "Beth! What are you doing!?"
"Move now!" yelled Hopper. I grabbed my Hellfire t-shirt and stuffed it into my jacket pocket before grabbing Steve's bag off the floor and then heading back to the ladder.
"Go, go, go!" said Erin as she let me go up first. Trying to move as fast as I could with extra weight was a challenge but I managed it. I opened the hatch at the top and pushed myself out the top. Erin was close behind. Once she came out the top, we both peered down to see Hopper backing up to the ladder and firing at the Demogorgons.
"Hopper!" I called down to him. He looked up at me and reached into his pocket.
"Here!" he said, throwing up the keys to his police car. I caught them and then looked at him in confusion as he continued to fire.
"W-what? Hopper, come on!" I screamed. He ran out of ammunition for the gun again, only wounding the Demogorgons. He looked up at me as he held his gun in a bat stance.
"Kid, if you believe this prophecy is real, then go." he said.
"What?" I questioned.
"Uh, Beth!" said Erin, grabbing my arm. I looked over to her direction as saw Demodogs in the distance, noticing us. I looked back down at Hopper who was batting off the Demogorgons
"What are you talking about, come on, I'm not leaving you!" I shouted.
"Beth...I can't get out!" he said, trying his best to bat them off. "Go, now!"
"Beth, we need to leave!" said Erin. I looked at Hopper with an unbelieved expression and shook my head. He managed to turn around and look at me once more and gave me a smile. It was the same smile Robin had given me the day I lost her. A smile to let me know that it's okay.
"Go get them, kid." Hopper said peacefully before the Demogorgons jumped on him, sending him away from the hatch out of view.
"No!" I screamed as they took him.
"Beth! Now, we need to go!" screamed Erin as she dragged me to my feet. I could hear the Demodogs charging towards us as I screamed.
"Hopper! No! You bastards!" I cried.
"Let's go!" yelled Erin as she dragged me to Hopper's car. She grabbed the keys off of me and unlocked it, jumping in the drivers side. I watched the open hatch door as I backed up into the car passenger door. I could see a hole borrowed into the ground not far off the hatch where the Demogorgons had dug their way down to us. "Get in!" yelled Erin. I felt a tear come from one of my eyes before I saw the Demogorgons begin to climb out of the hatch, blood on their faces. The snarl of the Demodog was so close, I quickly opened the passenger door and jumped in, throwing my bat in the back seat with Erin's pole. Just as I closed the door, the Demodog jumped up at the window.
"Drive!" I yelled. Erin stomped her foot on the gas and we zoomed away from the monster infested area. I watched behind us from the side door mirror as my home became nothing but a monster invasion, like the rest of the planet.

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