Chapter Eight: Lair

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"Beth?" he questioned back to me. My lips parted and my brow turned up at his response. There was no evil in his voice, it was just him. "Beth!" he said as he leaned forward and grabbed me, pulling me in for a tight embrace. I held him back and closed my eyes, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. I pulled myself away from him and kept looking at him all over whilst holding his arms.
"Is it you? Is it really you?" I asked him, still in shock.
"It's it really you?" he asked, looking down. He suddenly clocked my baby bump and gasped. "Y-you''re with child?"
"Yes...Eddie, it's yours. This is our baby." I whispered to him.
"What? Really?" Eddie asked, shocked.
"I...I thought you knew? You were sent to kill me and my child?" I asked, confused. Eddie looked at me with disbelief, it's as if he had no idea he was under some sort of possession.
"Ugh, what happened?" I heard Steve as he came too.
"Shit, Beth!" shouted Erin as she spotted Eddie by me.
"Wait, stop!" I shouted as Erin grabbed her pole. "He's not possessed anymore, it's Eddie!"
"It's me, it's totally me, I'm not gonna hurt her!" said Eddie, holding his hands up.
"Eddie? Is it really you?" said Dustin as he sat himself up.
"It's me, man." he replied.
"You just attacked us!" said Erin as she came over to us.
"I...I didn't mean to, I don't know why." Eddie said.
"You've got wings, dude." said Steve pointing at him. Eddie looked at the wings coming from his back, confused.
"What's happened to me?" he asked, then feeling his sharp teeth with his tongue.
"You're Kas." said Erin.
"Oh shit, you are." said Dustin.
"How am I Kas?" Eddie asked confused.
"How much do you remember?" I asked him.
"I...I remember dying. And you and Dustin were by my side. And...and I gave you-"
"This?" I said, pulling out my moms necklace with my engagement ring on it.
"Yes." he said, looking at me.
"Vecna must of brought you back as his henchman. That's how the prophecy goes." I said.
"Wait, Kas is Vecna's henchman in DND? What is happening?" Eddie asked confused.
"We're all here to make Vecna's fall happen. Beth is the chosen one, carrying the prophecy child that will grow up to either destroy or join Vecna." Erin explained.
"And that's...that's our baby?" Eddie asked, looking at me softly. I smiled and nodded my head. Eddie let out a happy sigh and then leant down and placed both his hands and his head on my stomach.
"I'm a dad." he whispered. "But I'm stuck like this, right? Stuck as this monster?"
"I think you look pretty cool." said Steve.
"You won't be. We've got to turn back time. Back to when the gate opened to stop any of this ever happening and bring our world back." I explained.
"Is everyone else...dead?" asked Eddie. We all nodded at him. "That bastard. Count me in to take this asshole down." said Eddie. He rose to his feet and then offered a hand for me to take, helping me up. I looked into his now red eyes but I could see he was back to being my Eddie.
"I thought I lost you." I said to him.
"I thought I lost you too." he smiled. I grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss.
"Eddie's back!" yelled Dustin as she ran over to him, grabbing him. Eddie released me and laughed as Dustin hugged him.
"Good to see you, Henderson. I hope I didn't hurt any of you guys?" he said, looking around to Steve and Erin.
"Oh no, we've had worse." smiled Erin. Eddie gave a thankful smile before turning and looking at Imogen in the bed.
"What happened to her?"
"Vecna took her, the day know." said Steve.
"That's how...all this happened then? We lost?"
"We did." said Dustin, glumly.
"Which is why we need to go to Vecna and fight him. I visited Imogen in the void and she helped us, she told us where he is and she also warned us of you." I said.
"Vecna is closing in on us which is why we need to get to him first." said Erin.
"Hold up, you went into the void? What is that? How did you do that?" Eddie asked, still confused.
"You've got a lot of catch up on." I laughed.
"If Vecna is setting sights on us, I think it's best we make a move." said Steve.
"What about Imogen?" asked Eddie.
"We can't leave her without any defences. You guys were the ones protecting her all this time." added Erin.
"I'll stay with her." volunteered Dustin.
"Are you sure?" asked Steve.
"Yes, they'll need you more out there, Steve. I can look after her." Dustin replied. Steve looked at him for a second before going over and grabbing him for a hug.
"You're a little shit, Henderson, but you're brave." Steve said to him.
"Thank you?" Dustin replied, unsure. Steve pulled him away and held his hand on his shoulder, grinning at him.
"Are you definitely sure, Dustin? I mean...we might not ever see you again." I stated.
"Sure you will. You're going to defeat Vecna with your cool new powers. Remember, in DND, Kas comes back to fight against Vecna, helping the elf rouge end his evil doings. I believe in you guys." Dustin said. His comment made me smile. "I'll see you on the other side."
"See you on the other side." I said back to him. Erin smiled at Dustin before taking the first steps at exiting the room, followed by Steve. Eddie ruffled Dustin's hair as he passed him and then I gave one more look at Imogen. Dustin nodded at me. I nodded back before exiting the room and closed the door behind me. He was right. I was going to see him on the other side.

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