1.The First Meeting

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Metropolis at 3:05 P.M


Suddenly, there was a dull explosion not far away. The building walls next to them started to collapse down below as a result of the explosive's loud boom, which appeared to have taken the crowd by surprise.

The streets quickly became filled with smoke and debris from collapsed structures.

Screams of people could be heard and wrecked and damaged cars could be observed. While others were helping each other and looking for their loved ones, the medical team rushed to aid the severely injured people.

"Tim, Where are you?" There was a father's voice calling out, "Tim, baby, answer me, please" as he was looking for his kid but was unable to locate him in the crowd.

"Why, now of all times?" cried, Bruce.

Metropolis at 2:35 PM.

People would find it hard to believe if they heard Bruce Wayne, the Handsome Playboy of Gotham and CEO of Wayne Enterprises, chatting idly with Perry White in The Daily Planet.

Timothy, his five-year-old son, is also present.

Bruce traveled to Metropolis to attend a meeting regarding the launch of a new product. In order to increase market share, he needed to get more popularity, so he set up this brief meeting with Mr. White to discuss interviewing the new product.

Tim, his son, came along as a result of Alfred's request that he should spend some quality time with his Father. Tim was an obedient and adorable child; therefore, nothing could go wrong, he had that thought.

When they were about to exit the building after a chat about the interview with him, the explosion occurred.

Present Time: 3:06 P.M


Bruce lost sight of Tim during the second explosion. He couldn't find his son when the dust and smoke increased. He searched through the crowd and debris while loud noises were still pounding his ears, looking for his son.

"Tim, where are you?" shouted Bruce. "Tim, baby, please respond."

'Why now, of all times', he exclaimed in his head.

Close to the wrecked cafe, a man was helping a pregnant woman off the ground.Unaware that the enormous flex of the cafe was going to fall on them, a young man was assisting a pregnant woman off the ground in front of the collapsed building.

When Bruce yelled at them, "Look out!", the pregnant woman screamed and covered her face with her hands but it was too late.

When the flex that was intended to fall on them didn't occur, they looked up and discovered a Blue and Red figure supporting the flex above them.

A young girl exclaimed with surprise " Superman! "

The Alien Man grinned, threw the broken flex to the floor, and then zipped out to assist others.

Bruce had heard about him and had seen him in videos, but this was the first time he had seen him. He had to admit that he was amazed.

Bruce awoke from his daze and resumed looking for his kid amid the crowd.

On the other side.

A toddler who was sobbing and covered in dirt was sitting on some debris on the other side of the street.

The Alien Man approached the weeping toddler after turning back to assist an elderly woman. "Hey, Little Man, Where are your parents?" he softly questioned.

The little boy started at him and said "I-I o-only have my D-daddy."

"Ah, okay then.... Where is your daddy?" asked the Man in Blue.

The young child uttered, "I-I don't know, I-I'm lost," in a sobbing voice.

The Man of Steel assisted him in wiping away his tears and asked, "Then, shall we find him?" as he lifted him off the ground.The young child nodded.

After around twenty minutes, Bruce was exhausted but was still unable to locate his son.He was on the verge of tears when he heard someone call him,"Daddy."

When he turned to see in the direction of the speaker, his son was in the arms of the Alien Man. "Tim!" he exclaimed as he hurried in their direction. The little boy named Tim was happy when he found his Father and made grabby hands for a hug.

Bruce gladly embraced him tightly and kissed him on the forehead, Tim said "I'm scared, Daddy."

"Baby, I'm so sorry. Don't be afraid, I'm here." He comforted his son.

"Thank you very much for saving my son," Bruce remarked as he turned to face the person who had assisted him.

The Man in Blue and Red smiled at them while shaking his head and waved at his son.

Tim waved back with a little smile. Then,the man then jumped off the ground.

Tim turned to face his Father and asked , "Who is he, Daddy?"

Bruce answered, "He is Superman," and then he turned to look in the man's direction.

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