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Pan and Felix walked out of the camp together, walking out of earshot of the Lost Boys, "Head to the other side of the island and deliver the supplies," Pan said.

"Understood. Anything else?" Felix asked.

"Just be certain Henry and Maverick don't find out what you're up to," Pan said and Felix walked off as Pan returned to camp.

Unaware to them, Henry and Maverick were behind a nearby tree, listening to their conversation. The two boys looked at each other, before eventually following after Felix, still keeping their distance from him to remain unseen.


Elsewhere in the jungle, David and Mary Margaret walked through the jungle and he pulled out his canteen of water, offering it to her, "Here," David said.

"I'm okay," Mary Margaret said, brushing passed him.

"Are you? Because you've hardly said two words to me since the Caves. Hell, since yesterday. Look, I know you're upset I didn't tell you I was poisoned, and even though it might seem like it wasn't fair, that's all I was trying to fair," David said.

Mary Margaret stopped walking, "I think Tinkerbell's is that way," She said, before beginning to walk again and David paused a moment, letting out a sigh, before following after her.


With the rest of the group, they walked through the jungle, headed for Dark Hollow, "We're gonna have to cut our way through," Alana said.

Elias unsheathed his cutlass, nearly hitting Captain Hook in the face, "Here, use this," He said, handing it to him.

"My cutlass," Alana took it, "You find it in the cave?" She asked.

"No, actually, Hook have it to me," Elias said.

"Since when are you sentimental?" Alana asked.

"I thought Elias would wish to have something to remember you by," Captain Hook said.

"Oh, thanks. He's got me now," Alana said and began cutting through the bushes.

Elias glanced at his aunt, "How close are you to Alana?" He asked her.

"Close enough to make it awkward between the three of us," Athena glanced ahead of them, "It's not me who needs to make a decision," She said and Elias looked at his sister.

Emma hesitantly continued to glance at Nadia, who eventually caught her gaze, "What is it?" Nadia asked.

"Uh, nothing," Emma said.

"You sure?" Nadia questioned.

"No," Emma finally held eye contact with her, "About what you said..." She said.

"Emma, I-," Nadia began to say.

"No, let me finish," Emma interrupted and Nadia nodded for her to continue, "I've had feelings for you for a while, probably since we first met," the brunette smiled softly, "I was thinking...maybe, when we get back...we could go out?" Emma said.

"Oh, Emma, I'd love to, but know about my curse. If we get to close, something could..." Nadia said.

"Nothing's going to happen to you," Emma said.

"It's not me I'm worried about," Nadia said.

"You're worried about me?" Emma asked.

"I always have been," Nadia said.

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