2 jittery

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When Jordan notices Quinten coming towards him he shouts exaggeratedly again. "Ey what's up buddy? Did you have fun this weekend?"

He always has to act up too.

When the 2 want to walk away to their class Jordan turns around for a second. Shit he sees I was looking at them. Jordan looks at me like I don't exist. What did I ever do to him?

I don't care and listen to what the others have to say.

I walk wearily out of the maths classroom. Could a lesson be any more boring? Thankfully, the lesson hour is over.

"Only six more lessons to go!" jokes Vanessa.

Everyone has to lacgen, except Kailey. I'm going to ask her later anyway, I think, if there's anything. The day passes slowly and finally the bell rings. Finally we get to go home. Kailey and I walk to the bike rack together. I take my chance and ask if anything is wrong.

"Kailey is something bothering you?" I ask quietly.

"No I'm fine though." She mutters.

Maybe I'm just imagining there's something. But she is very quiet. I leave it and grab my bike. When I arrive home, I see that my father is not home yet. Thankfully. My mother, on the other hand, is home; she probably won't care about the lamp. I grab my bag and walk inside."

"Bye Melanie, how did school go?" my mother asks. By the sound of it, she hasn't seen the lamp yet otherwise she would have reacted differently.

"yes mum, everything went well at school you know." I say with a sigh.

With a cap, I try to hide the wound. I quickly put a cracker in my mouth and walk upstairs. There, the lamp is still hanging as written as it was before. Maybe my father won't notice it at all either. I walk into my room. I open my black eastpak and take out my diary. 7 pages of Dutch homework?! Did I see that correctly? With a deep sigh, I start on it. The faster I start it, the faster I finish it.

When I finally finish, I take out my phone. No notifications. I find it strange normally Kailey always sends me immediately after school.

Suddenly I get a notification. It's a message from Megan.

"hey Melanie could I have pictures of homework Dutch? It's a lot and I don't know how to start it." She sends.

Megan actually only sends me too when she needs something. Even so, I just send pictures of the homework to avoid arguments, I'm that easygoing.

I look to see if I have any other notifications, but no nothing. I collapse into bed and open my laptop. There I see that there is a new season of my favourite series on Netflix. When I want to press play completely relaxed, my mother calls out.

"Melanie! Coming to dinner!" she shouts throughout the house.

I walk downstairs in frustration. I had so wanted to watch an episode already. There I see my father already sitting wearily.

"Good evening Melanie, did everything go well at school today?" he asks growling.

"Yes everything went well."

We sit down at the table and my mother arrives with dinner. We eat as usual avg. I'm actually tired of eating this every day but I don't finish. The table is now complete. Nervously, I sit at the end of the table. I am now increasingly afraid of my father's reaction. My father remarks that I am not behaving like normal.


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