10 discussion about roommate

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All four of us are silent. Kailey grabs her bag and makes eye contact with me to say in other words that we are going ahead. I put on my coat ne walk with her. I say hello to the boys, but get no reply back. When we arrive at our bikes, Kailey asks a question.

"Were you talking about the rooms while waiting. Is that why Jordan suddenly started freaking out like that?" she looks at me questioningly.

"Yes, I started talking about it. I thought he already knew about it." I say as I look down.

I feel like this is all my fault.

"Oh well we had to tell him sometime heh and it's no big deal. We're just swapping rooms, that's all."

I am relieved that she responds light-heartedly. I unlock my bike and wave to Kailey. Wr both have to cycle in a different direction. That's a shame in itself, so we can never cycle to school together or one of us has to cycle all the way around. On the way back, I think about what just happened. Did I cause a fight between the boys? I guess not. It's Quinten's problem that he didn't inform Jordan.

I have to cycle down 1 more street and then I'll be home. I look at the sky, I see that it doesn't bode well it will probably rain in a while. When I arrive home and put my bike down something isn't right.

But what?

Oh shit! No this can't be. I'm so forgetful.


Full of panic, I take out my phone. Luckily I had put my money and phone in my jacket pocket. If I'd forgotten those too I'd go crazy.

Okay calm down Mel... Think about who to call. Kailey can't have it, she was only holding her bag. Calling her makes no sense.

I hesitate to call Quinten or Jordan.

After the argument, both of them are probably not approachable. With their childish behaviour.

When I want to put my phone back in the pocket of my jacket I get a notification. It's Jordan.

Jordan has sent a message.

A: hey, you forgot your bag. I took it with me. It did have special stuff in it... wnnr you come to get it?

N: don't you know the word privacy? You don't have to peek into my bag

A: yes yes yes it's all right, when?

N: now?

A: come and get it

N: I don't even know where you live

A: I'll send you my address till then

By the sound of it, he has already cooled down, he is his irritating self. But I have no choice I wanted to take that lingerie to Italy. For what, I don't really know. It's just that Kailey and I agreed to take him both on the school trip. And on the other hand, Jordan currently has my lingerie at home and I want it back as soon as possible.

I get his address. I already thought he lived here in this village. All the way on the other side. It is the first and last time I go to his house but I save his address just to be sure. I jump back on my bike, which by now is soaking wet because yes, it is raining, just as I predicted. While I'm on my bicycle the rain pours down. And Jordan's house is even further away than I thought. It's a 4-km bike ride. I thought this village consisted of six streets, apparently not.

When I arrive in the street of the given address, there are only villas. of course, this could not be missing. I see house number 11, 12, 14, 15, aah number 15. This is where I have to be. My mouth falls open. I have never seen such a huge house in this village.

Like a drowned cat, I stand at the door. My clothes are soaked. I feel my hands shivering. It has cooled down tremendously outside. I put my bike against the wall of the house and ring the bell. I hope only Jordan is home, what would his family think of me.

Then the door opens with a creaking sound


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