3 truth comes out

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"Is everything okay?" he asks worriedly.

"Yes everything is okay I'm just a bit tired." I lie.

I can see from his facial expression that he doesn't believe me. He scratches his stubbly chin with his fingertips and looks at my mother questioningly.

"Melanie I am not asking again, tell me what is going on." He asks again now in a louder voice.

I have a lump in my throat and get hot. I start telling the truth anyway.

"I was in a hurry this morning. As I was walking up the stairs and not paying attention, I ran into the glass lamp above the stairs, the lamp made a cracking sound and hung crookedly. Suddenly, the glass broke into hundreds of pieces. I ran out of time to pick up the shards and hang the lamp straight again because I had to go to school."

"Can you do anything! Clumsy good-for-nothing!" my father shouts with a red head.

He gets up and stamps towards me. I don't know what he is capable of. I get more and more scared and quickly run to my room. I've seen my father like this before and this time it's about a stupid lamp.

"Calm down Ron! Stop it!" my mother begs with tears in her eyes.

I don't understand how my father can react like this. This is not the first time and I just don't understand why.

Trembling, I sit on my bed. I hear my mother crying. And all this over a lamp? I hear my father vacuuming as he sits cursing about anything and everything. I try to calm myself down a bit and crawl under the covers. I put my oof cap my pillow and house it out. Before I know it, I'm crying myself to sleep.

When I wake up, the house is very quiet. I change my clothes and walk downstairs. My father is nowhere to be seen. My mother sits very still on the sofa. She takes a tissue and quickly wipes away her tears. She thinks I didn't see those.

"Mum what else has happened?" I ask quietly.

"It's time you knew what's going on. I've kept quiet long enough."

Surprised, I look at her. What has she been keeping quiet all this time? I am her only child. Has she never been honest with me?

She catches her breath and tells me what has been going on all this time.

"Ever since I met your father I knew you drank a lot but I didn't care. They do say is 'love makes blind' that was the case with me all along. In the beginning it was quite manageable but hijd rinked more and more. Because of all the booze, he got aggression problems. Some time before I wanted to break up with your father because of the drinking problem, I found out I was pregnant with you. That made me stay with him. When I thought it couldn't get any worse I found out he was cheating. I was devastated. He knew well enough that I knew about it, he didn't care. I didn't want to say anything about it all this time to keep our family together. And now here we are." Says my mother sadly. I can see the sadness in her face.

"Wow mum I didn't know all this, I think it's very brave of you to tell me honestly now." I tell her shocked but also relieved since I now know what was going on.

I hug my mother but she sticks a question with me.

"Mom, do you possibly have any idea where he is now?"

There is silence for a moment. My mother looks silently ahead. After a while, she saunters over to the dining table. There she picks up a small note. She hands it to me shakily.

I can't believe what it says. I burst into tears.


635 words

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