42 Jordan !

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"Are you going already? I still want to do so much with you."

"You slept all afternoon while we went swimming."

"So yes? Is that forbidden or something? The day is not over yet. Just come with me."

"No thanks, I'm really tired."

"I've made some arrangements." He winks at me and takes a condom out of his pocket.

"Have a nice evening." I say quickly as I calmly turn around and walk away.

I'm starting to get scared and hope someone sees us. Lorenz suddenly acts very strange. What does he think? Of course I don't want to do anything with him anymore. With its stupid surprises.

"Melanie don't run away. Don't you want to see my other surprise?"


"Come on Melanie."

"No, have a nice evening."

Before I can take three steps further, he grabs my arm.

"You're coming."

I freeze and can't do anything. He has grabbed my arm tightly and won't let go.

"I'm not letting you go, you're coming with me."

Tears roll down my cheeks. I start to cry and feel like I can't get myself out of this situation. I look around desperately to see if anyone sees me. Lorenz pulls on my arm and tries to drag me back to the swimming pool where there is now no one in sight.

"Let me go!" I then shout again. A hand comes into my view. Lorenz wants to hit me. I close my eyes in fear, but I don't feel anything. I anxiously await the battle. I stand cringed and feel my heart in my throat. I carefully open my eyes because I don't feel anything. Someone is holding Lorenz's arm.

"Jordan! Jordan help, please help!"

He is holding Lorenz's arm. He pushes him against a wall and punches him several times in the face, stomach and legs.

"Mongol! What did you think you were doing, you pervert? Just touching an innocent girl. She said no dude!"

He beats him until he's on the ground. Lorenz is bleeding on all sides. Soon people from the resort join us. I would like to tell them what is going on, but I can't. I'm frozen and can't do anything. A few men pick Lorenz up and take him to a secluded room. 1 of the men calls an ambulance for him.

"Melanie, are you okay? Do you want me to call the police?"

"Jordan!" I shout redemptively.

He takes me in his arms and I cry out.

"I'm so sorry Melanie, I should have seen it happen sooner. Is everything okay? Did you get hurt?"

"No, I'm fine, there's no need to call the police. I just never want to see Lorenz again and I want to get out of here. I want to go to the room."

"I'm fine Melanie, I'll take care of you. You are in good hands, again I am so sorry you had to go through this."

"You can't do anything about this Jordan."

He picks me up and says thank you to the hotel staff. He explains it to the men one last time so that they understand the whole situation. Jordan looks furious. After he walked up the countless stairs with me, I have many questions.

"Jordan, how come you were able to intervene so quickly? Did you follow us?"

"I just came back from the sea, I saw him take a condom out of his pocket from a distance and I decided to keep an eye on him since I saw from your face that you didn't want to do anything with him. And when things went wrong, I intervened. Melanie, I can't imagine what would have happened if I had intervened too late, Me-eel he would have hit you -,..."


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