13 lost track of time

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As much as I want to go with you, it's late and I haven't let my mother know anything. She's probably expecting me home any minute. Especially since I haven't packed for Monday yet. "I'd like to take him for a walk but it's already late I have to go home." I say as I see his facial expression change quickly. He is sorry. "Is fine though, another time. I'll see you on Monday then." Replies Jordan as he holds Bruno on a leash.

I walk out of the mega house and jump on my bike. When I look outside it is already getting dark. It's a lot colder than before. With shivering hands I grab my handlebars and cycle back home. At home, I see my mother already standing outside worried. "Melanie darling where were you? It's freezing cold outside. Come in soon." Says she worriedly.

"I forgot my shopping bag in town and a boy from school brought it for me."

My mother looks at me questioningly. And starts smiling. "Does that boy maybe see you? Are you dating?" does she really think because I mention a boy once that I have feelings for him right away? Jordan was just kind enough to bring it home. "No mum, just a friend of mine. It's Quinten's best friend. You know Quinten don't you? Kailey's friend." For a moment I see her thinking and then I see from her face that she knows who I am talking about. I give her a hug and tell her I'm going to shower and then sleep. After all, it's already late.

The next morning, I wake up to countless notifications on my phone. When I unlock my phone, I only see how late it is. Shit it's already 1pm and I haven't even packed properly for tomorrow. I hear my mother coming up the stairs. I heave a sigh. I have slept for at least 10h and still I almost fall asleep. I hear knocking on the door. The door makes a creaking sound when it opens.

There stands my mother. Cheerful and cheerful. She is wearing a seige green dress with heels underneath. She has her hair put up with a pin and smells of flowers. "Good morning or actually good afternoon dear, did you sleep well? It's quite late, would you like a cup of tea?" she asks enthusiastically. I haven't seen her like this in ages. "Hey mum, you betn so cheerful and how pretty you are. Are you going anywhere special today?"

She is silent for a moment and takes a deep breath.

"I met someone at work, Dreis, we're going to a terrace together today. I think he is a very nice man and I am looking forward to it. But Melanie you should know if you don't like this then you can tell me honestly and I'll tell him it will go on another time."

I am happy for Mum. She deserves this. Even if it feels a bit strange. That name looks familiar. I'll just imagine, she didn't say a last name with it either. "Of course it's no problem mum, I'm happy for you. Just enjoy it. After everything that happened between you and Dad, it's time you started enjoying your life again." I hug her. How happy I am that my mother is feeling so well.

When my mother leaves by car to drive to Dries's, a strange feeling comes to my mind. I have heard this name many times in my surroundings. But who is this man? I try to let it go from me, but the strange feeling lingers.


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