28 the situation

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Why am I still told about it? A few days ago he was still engaged with Sophie on the toilet on the plane. But he was embarrassed about it. 'I don't normally do such things,' I can still hear him say. I shouldn't worry. He is allowed to do this. There is nothing between us. We don't have a relationship, he can do what he wants. Even if this doesn't feel right.

"Now you're going to tell me what all happened. I can see something is wrong, I'm not blind either. There's obviously something going on between you and Jordan." I know Vanessa has figured it out. She always knows such things right away. I can't lie to her. We sit down on her bed and I tell her everything. From the time I ran into him outside with Bruno until I fell asleep in his arms last night. We didn't have sex. He didn't want me to regret it.

Telling Vanessa about the whole situation helped. I can remember more now, not everything in detail but enough to know we didn't do it. Vanessa is amazed.

"So if I understood correctly, since we got here, you've only been making out with Jordan? And you're not telling me and Kailey anything?" I have to laugh at her.

"Please be careful with Jordan though, you know how he is. And from now on you tell me everything. I didn't know about anything." Vanessa warns me.

"Relax. Nothing more will happen in the near future. Especially not with Jordan acting so pussy." I give Vanessa a hug and say goodbye.

I stroll back to my room. It's bloody hot outside and it's only 2 o'clock. So much has already happened today. It will take me 5 years to get over it. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but still. First anxiety over last night, Kailey being in bed with someone else, then Jordan being out with Megan. Megan the girl he's so "annoyed" with. I don't understand any of it anymore but I don't want to interfere. I'm still here to have fun. In 3 days it will be my birthday I will be 17. I just remembered that Lorenz, my cab driver (saving angel) said he would come over. I don't know how he is going to manage it but I believe he will manage it.

Our hotel room is quiet, very quiet now that Jordan still hasn't heard from me. I had sent him a message earlier this morning, when I was slightly panicked. But I also soon deleted that again when he didn't respond. Sounds dramatic but so were the messages themselves. I left here like a headless chicken this morning. And now. Now I'm bored out of my mind here in the room. I'm not hungry. I need something to do. I put on my bikini and get my beach bag.

I go swimming. I'm going to the exact same place as last night. I must and will remember most of it. I take a book, sunburn, a towel, and my phone. I quickly pull the door shut behind me and walk down the 30 thousand stairs. There aren't really that many of them, of course, but that's how it feels. Once I am down, I can hardly feel my legs. Before I know it Quinten passes me.


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