4 | Mollycoddling

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Phineas struggled to untangle himself from his yellow comforter. No one ever called on their landline unless it was an emergency. By the time he reached the phone, he was out of breath.


"Phinny, hey."

"Carson...how are you?" Phineas was confused; a call from Carson out of all people was unusual. And Phinny? Really?  He did not know they were buddies suddenly after not speaking for four years. "All good?" 

"Yes, I am fine. You?"

"I am good. How may I help you?"

"Wilder is here."

Phineas' eyes widened. But he was here when I went to sleep. "What is it? Is he okay?"

"He is sort of bruised and with Dr Harry. Do you think you could come here real quick?"

"How much?"

"How bruised? Uh...not much? Please come back immediately."

"I will be there as soon as possible."

"See you. Bye."

Phineas heard the tell-tale beep of the call disconnecting before he could say goodbye himself. Ignoring the interaction, he diverted his focus to his brother. His emotions were all over the place. It always turned out to be the case whenever Wilder was involved. Wilder drove him wild. "ASPEN! PHOENIX! ACHILLES! Bring your backpacks, we are going home."

Phoenix and Achilles groaned in unison but moved to pack their bags. Phineas picked up the sound of shuffling from all three rooms upstairs due to his intensive werewolf hearing. He assumed Aspen's positive reply was drowned out by the loud groans of the others. "Aspen, my good boy."


"I am sorry. Please hurry up, Wilder is back home." That sped things up as everyone was ready to go within 20 minutes and piled up in the car in the next five. Air in the car was thick with tension and worry, Phoenix tried to diffuse it by turning on the music only to fail as Phineas' grip did not loosen a bit on the steering wheel. Sighing, he lowered the sound and called for his elder brother.

"Phineas, stop fretting. You know Wilder, he is..."


"He will be fine. He always is."

"That does not mean we neglect his injuries."

"He is not your responsibility."

"He is my brother."

"Elder brother. If anything, he should be the one taking care of you and not the other way around."

"Did you not hear me? He is hurt."

"In the head, yes."

"Carson was the one to call and deliver the message."

"Fuck! It must be bad then."

Phineas rolled his eyes and continued to drive, a little more relaxed than before. Phoenix managed to divert his attention for a bit with his banter. It was always like this when it came to Phoenix and Wilder. They never agreed to a thing and were constantly at the cross with each other. He was the one who successfully got caught in the crossfire. It was painful but he would not change it for the world. He loves his brothers as they love him.

In the far distance, he could see the gate to his pack. After they lost their Alpha to his own stupidity, the Beta tightened the pack's security to the point of it becoming suffocating. The chokehold made him go to their cabin with his brothers; it was especially getting too much for Wilder. Therefore, it was difficult for him to understand what drove his brother – who even started calling their pack jail – back.

As they neared the gate, all his thoughts recentered to his brother's well-being. I hope he is not severely wounded. Carson's answers were short and elusive, he could not help but wonder. The guards did a mandatory quick search and let them pass. Nodding to the guards, he pressed his foot on the accelerator. Once he was outside the pack-house, he slammed on the brakes. The car swerved. Screams full of terror could be heard from the occupants of the blue four-wheeler. He ignored the wide-eyed look of his brothers and ran towards the infirmary, his nose twitching frequently as he tried placing Wilder's allocated room.

By the time he arrived at his destination, he was out of breath. Bracing himself for the worst, he opened the door with shaky hands. Wilder was sitting against the headboard with his usual I-am-annoyed expression on his face.

Careful of the pack Beta who was standing beside him with crossed arms and her expressions mirroring Wilder's, he threw himself at his brother. "Are you alright, Wilder?" he enquired, his voice coming out muffled due to his face being stuffed at the crook of his brother's neck. Detaching himself, he scanned Wilder from head to toe for injuries. The visible ones appeared to be minor scratches. Simply because he was extra when it came to his family, he began picking Wilder's limbs one by one, moving them and looking around the girth for any deep wounds. A sigh followed by a swat to his hand ceased his ministrations immediately after he lifted his brother's t-shirt halfway.

"Am I a specimen, Phineas?"

"No, Wilder. It's just-" Phineas paused seeing Wilder's hand in front of him, the universal sign to stop.

"Take me home."

"You are not going home. Tell him to get his wounds treated first. The big gash on his hip especially," Patricia piped in.

"Wounds? Big gash?" Wilder glowered at the woman as his brother questioned. She was not helping his case. At all. He had to do something before Phineas got determined. Stubborn Phineas was scary Phineas. "Call the doctor please, Beta Patricia." Uh oh! Too late to collect brain cells and make them work, Wilder mused internally.

"Phineas, I am fine."

"You are not."

The brothers continued to bicker as the door burst open. Patricia glared at the intruder. Carson gulped, putting all his strength into not pissing his pants under the woman's laser-sharp eyes. Breaking eye contact, he addressed Phineas who was too busy mollycoddling his brother to sense another presence. "Phineas." The younger Grey stilled. "The Alpha has summoned you to his office."

"Yeah, tell him I'll be ri..." Phineas trailed off before he blinked twice. "Who wants me in the office?"

"The Alpha."

"Alpha Nick is back?"

Carson made a sound of irritation in the back of his throat. "It is a long story, just follow me for now."

Aspen, Achilles and Phoenix received the message to look over Wilder via the mind link while their brother carried his feet to the Alphas's office.

Aspen, Achilles and Phoenix received the message to look over Wilder via the mind link while their brother carried his feet to the Alphas's office

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