6 | The Summon

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Patricia would tape her Alpha's mouth if she could. His occasional grumbling and low growling every time he was spoken to directly was getting on her nerves. Piles of letters from the packs they have alliances with laid ahead of her, they needed to be read. She already read a few, one of the Alphas had put forth his not-so-polite request to break the alliance.

"Alpha?" She took the growl as a sign to speak. "Connor's family is getting impatient."

"Who is Connor?"

"The one who Wilder beat up."

Arthur stiffened in his seat. Phineas' running form from two days ago flashed before his eyes. The man was less than enthusiastic about their mating just like him. "What do they want?"

The Alpha's absent-mindedness was frustrating. The beta hated to repeat herself. Yet she did. "They want a strict action against Wilder. According to them, it is necessary to put Wilder in his place. He had been acting like a free bull these days."

Arthur snorts. "And what do you think?"

"I agree with them. His punishment has been long overdue, but..." the Beta trailed off, weighing her options. She did not look too keen on delivering the information.


"Phineas will throw a fit."

His temple flared. Why should high-ranked wolves be scared of a regular pack member, a delta-class wolf? His brother was at fault and he had no right to interfere when it came to facing the repercussions. "Tell me, Beta Patricia. Is Phineas the Alpha?"

"No, Alpha but he-"

"Is no one. I will take care of that boy's punishment myself. As an Alpha, I need to set an example. A warning that no one messes with my pack member's safety and gets away with it, even if it is a fellow pack member."

The Beta sighed and left the room.

Anger was the bane of his existence. The beast inside him was always harder to tame but it turned into a nearly impossible affair with hot anger coursing through his veins. It made him sick to admit that he had done unspeakable things to humans, animals, and supernatural beings alike in the red haze. In plain words, losing a handle on his temper made things ugly. He prayed to the Moon Goddess to give him strength. He would need a lot of it to face the two brothers now and then.

His mind went back to his Beta's words and now that he was really giving them a thought, it seemed to be an ideal situation. He could kill two birds with one stone. His lips upturned into a malicious grin. I have just the right kind of punishment for him.

A gust of wind from the open window came barrelling in, filling his nose with the smell of earth and nature. Momentarily, his mind was cleansed of all the evil plans and thoughts. His feet moved on their own towards the window. Despite the luxurious interior of the Alpha office and the comfort of a soft bed in the Alpha suite, he missed the wild. The wolf inside him more than the human side. His eyes raked over the vast land. In the distance, he could make out a few figures. They appeared to be fighting if their exaggerated hand movements were to go by. Once one of the figures moved out of the shadow of the tree, Arthur recognized him. He shut the window with a bang, not interested in the beauty of the outside. It was tainted now.

Phineas assumed his brothers were done fighting when he suggested they go to their usual hangout spot, the weeping willow. He thought they already filled their quota for the month in the hospital room. But Goddess was I wrong! They were still going at it.


"Like you did to Connor?"

"Oh, you are so dead, Phoenix."

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