8 | A day full of surprises

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Arthur had never felt chastised in his life until his 'discussion' with Elder Alvis. But again, he had not lived the pack life before - at least not for long - and he never encountered an Elder. The knowledge he had about the werewolves who carried special abilities came from the rogues who were born in packs.

"I understand, Elder."

"You will apologize." Arthur gritted his teeth, wanting to throw the man out. He was clearly taking advantage of him being compliant, not bothering to sugarcoat his order as a polite yet firm request anymore. As he was about to argue, a thought popped into his head. He needed to form an ideal Alpha image for his pack members. No. He wanted to be an ideal Alpha for real. Reluctantly, he agreed.

Bidding both the Elders goodbye, he called Carson to his office.

"Yes, Alpha?"

"Please tell Phineas Grey to be present at my office after" - he paused to look at the clock in his office - "twelve minutes. Not a minute late or early."

Once again, hesitation crossed Carson's face before he scurried out. The expression did not go unnoticed by the gray-eyed man. His Gamma always gave a reaction whenever Phineas' name came up. It annoyed Arthur. His annoyance grew even more realizing that he was annoyed and Phineas indirectly played a role in it. "You just have to ruin everything for me," the Alpha muttered to the empty room with anguish.

Phineas opened the door to his room to go out after staying cooped in for hours. He was surprised to find an out-of-breath Carson standing there with his fist raised, looking ready to knock on the door. "Gamma Carson."

"Phineas, Alpha has called you to his office. You have seven minutes to get there. Do not be late or early."

"Tyrant," Phineas mumbled.


Phineas was surprised yet again that Carson did not hear him with his wolf hearing but maybe he said it in a really low volume, might as well be a garbled whoosh of air. "Nothing. I will be there." Going back inside his room, he grabbed a hoodie, put on his white sneakers and left. His mind began to move at a pace as fast as his mind. Truth be told, he was frightened out of his mind once Arthur announced that he would punish him himself. That wolf was crazy. He was sure by the time the Alpha wolf would have been done with him, his skin would be torn in places. His expression dropped suddenly. A part of him was disappointed and upset at the lack of hesitation from Arthur. Shaking his head, he focused on moving faster than before. It was not difficult with his long legs.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Phineas," the two pack guards greeted him back in unison.

Phineas looked at the stairs ahead. They felt like stairs to hell to him. Inhaling deeply, he checked his phone and panickedly climbed up two steps at a time. He did not realize he spent a few minutes staring. He was officially late. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." He opened the door and was about to greet the Alpha when the Alpha spoke again. "You are a minute and 20 seconds late.

You don't deserve an apology."

"I am sorry."

The sentences were spoken simultaneously. Both the men blinked, Arthur shocked and Phineas stunned.


"You are such an ass!"

Again, the words of the two collided. Now, both were pissed.

"So you were about the apologize, but now I do not deserve it. Why don't I deserve it, mighty Alpha?" Phineas demanded from the Alpha. He would have never taken that tone, but deep inside he knew the man would not hurt him. Not too badly, at least.

Arthur was shaking due to the faux respect in Phineas' tone. He pinned the wolf with a sharp glare.

Phineas shivered from the anger in his gaze. He crossed his arms across his chest, clutching his hoodie tightly to himself on both sides. The material was an oddity in this weather but he was feeling extra vulnerable at that time. He was more chilly or one could call it trauma.

"You act quite entitled for a regular pack member, why is that?"

"I am simply asking a question."

"I do not care what your relationship was with your previous Alpha but I am not him. He might have turned a blind eye to your wrongdoings but I won't."

Phineas's gaze was lethal when he looked at Arthur after hearing his words. If he was a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of his ears and his face would be red. "What are you insinuating?"

"Nothing. Just be careful. Stay away."

"I will. Rest assured."

"You can leave."

Phineas's jaw dropped. "You called me here to insult me? You are petty." He reached the door and turned the doorknob when the Alpha told him to stop. "What is it? Want to insult me more?"

"I am sorry for the morning," Arthur said for good measure. He had no idea what kind of person Phineas was and he might tell others that the Alpha did not apologize. The word could reach Elder Alvis. "I should not have agreed to you getting punished in place of your brother. His mistakes are his to bear."

If Phineas was shocked, he did not show it. He left without saying a word or acknowledging the apology. His bad worsened once he reached back home and found Wilder lounging in the living room. His brother glanced up at him once before going back to scrolling to his phone. As he went to pass by to go to the kitchen, Wilder piped in his two cents - "You are an idiot."

The words stopped him dead in his tracks. "What did you say?"

"You. An idiot."

"Oh." Phineas laughed, not humored. "Why is that?"

"I could have handled today's event. I went off the grid at the time of the punishment, why would you think I will take it silently and go be a hero?"

It pissed Phineas off that Wilder did not even care to look up from his phone while discussing such a serious matter. "Let us say I did not 'go be a hero' and you did not show up, what next genius? You think they would have gotten a memory loss post it?"

Silence ensued. Wilder has no answer to that. After a few seconds, he still replied - "I would have done something. Thought of something later."

"It is you who is an idiot."

Wilder was flabbergasted at his response. It was unlike Phineas to speak to him that way. What was going on with their usually calm brother, he wondered.


Word Count: 1090

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~ Appy

~ Appy

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