Chapter 7

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I pull away from Zach.

"Zach we shouldn't do this-"

"Why?! Because I'm not Nathan? Please acknowledge me of what I'm doing wrong!" He confesses.

"If you let me finish I would tell you! I want to know why did you mention Nathan in this?!"
I yell back


"SO YOU KISS ME?!" I scream

"I'm sorry." Zach says with a frown.

"I'm just going to go home." He says.

I watch Zach leave with a frown on his face.


Hours later

"I need to party. It's Friday and I'm pretty sure I heard two girls talking about one on Everest Avenue.

I walk into my closet and find a red skin tight dress and 4 inch black strapped heels.

I walk out of my closet and go into my bathroom and do a thick black smokey eye and add red lipstick.

After my makeup I walk out of my room and head downstairs and see Grant in the living room watching T.V.

"Hey Grant" I say somewhat nice.

"Hey" he replies as he turns to see me.

He glares at me and says "Seriously? We got here like 5 days ago and your already going to a hormonal teenage party?"

I let out a chuckle and head out to my Madza.


Down the street from the party and I can hear the music from here. My favorite song is on, Habits - Tove Lo.

I'm excited to get the burning alcohol down my throat.

I arrive at the house and looks like the party is already pumped I can tell by the people on the front lawn passed out and half naked.

I park my car and get out and go into the house.

I walk into see a bunch of beers and red cups on tables and on the ground.

I want to get drunk i think to myself.

I walk over to the kitchen to see a bunch of unopened beers.

I take one and chug it down and feel the burn go down my throat. I take another and another and start to feel a bit dizzy.

Then I noticed it I'm drunk.

I walk into the living room and see Nathan, Liam and Tyler talking.

I walk over to them put my arms around their necks and slur saying "Heyyyyyyy guuuuyyyysss!! Whattsss upp?".

"Are you.. drunk Riley?" Tyler questions sounding concerned.

"Duh!! It's a party what, you'd expect me sitting on the couch watching everyone partyyy?" I yell

"Yes" Liam answers with a slight smirk

"I'd wipe that smirk off your face if I were you." I announce to Liam.

"Or what Doll?"

I walk over to him, jump on him and make out with him.

I'm pulled off Liam by someone
and I see Tyler glaring madly at me and I see Nathan and Liam still in shock.

"Woah" Liam says.

I wink at him with a small smirk appearing on my face.

When Tyler goes to talk with Nathan and Liam I walk away to do some shots and try and beat someone's record.

I walk over to the shots table and see a bunch if people surrounding it.

"I'm going to playyy!!" I scream

I walk over and everyone stares.

I take 13 shots in 5 minutes with everyone gasping.

When I was on my 6th shot people started recording it.

"Can you do f*cking more??" A girl asks.

"Hell yeah b*tch!!!" I scream

I take 9 more shots and then grab a beer bottle and smash
it on my head and everyone cheers my name. I feel red liquid run down my cheek noticing it's my blood.

All of a sudden 4 boys come rushing at me.

"Oh My god! Riley!! Are you okay?!" Nathan yells.

"Hell yes!! I took 22 shots and then I broke a beer on my head! Isn't that awesome??" I ramble on.

"Let's go you're going home." Liam says picking me up bridal style.


I pick her up bridal style and as we walk to the car she passes out in my arms.

I think I'm developing a little crush on this girl. She has everything I like about a girl.

She's gorgeous, Nice, Loves football, and likes to party.

But a thing I dislike is that Nathan and Zach are crushing on her also.

I can't let those losers have her.
When she kissed me earlier I liked it, it had sparks even though I knew she was drunk. God, I sound like a girl right now but I'm serious I'm not letting Nathan play her or let Zach get her to have the spark me and Riley had. SHE IS MINE.


Geez obsessive much Liam?
I'm going to be honest. I love the name Liam!! I had to name someone it!

~Victoria ;)

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