Chapter 8

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I woke up on soft sheets that smell like someone familiar. I get up and notice I'm in a boys room considering all the posters and trophies of football.

As I'm looking around the room I hear running coming towards the room.

The door swings open with a girl looking my age and she looks like a model from what I see because she's gorgeous.

"LIAM WH- Oh hi I didn't know Liam had company... I'm Brianna his cousin. Are you his girlfriend?" She's asks while grinning.

Girlfriend? Girlfriend. Girlfriend! "Oh dear god no!" I yell.

"Ouch. That hurt Riley! Good thing you have a hangover and by the way your welcome because I gave your ass some bandages for your head."

I look at him confused and touch my head. When I touched my head, it felt like someone had put a pitchfork in it non-stop.

I groan in pain and start getting off the warm soft comfy bed and prepared for the coldness to hit.

Liam's cousin Brianna comes running at me squealing like a guinea pig.

"I found a bunch of tapes on you! You were amazing back at your old school in Oregon!" She says so high pitched I swear she could possibly break a mirror in her condition.

"Uhm... How did you find then?" I ask eagerly out of my curiosity.

"There's this really cool international website on the internet called.... YOUTUBE...!" She screeches. I wince at her loud high-pitched voice.

Jesus I think my eardrums just popped out of my ear.


Short... And late..... I'm so sorry! I've been so busy with the end of school plus I'm going on vacation! I need time to pack and some shit!

So so so sorry!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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