Chapter 2

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Ugh got here yesterday and yet I already feel homesick. I start school tomorrow. GREAT.

"I think I'm going to go play football for a bit Mom!" I scream from my room.

"Ok it's cold a little bit wear something warm!!" She yelled back.

Yes! I throw on a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt with some black and white cleats.

I look out of my room and then close the door after looking.

I run over to my window and open it, I jump onto the nearest tree and then flip off of it. As I jumped I saw a boy looking at me thru the window across from mine. He looked my age. He had a jersey some jeans and Jordan's on. I look onto the jersey and I see marked.. DAVEN ANDERSON. As I flipped off I was so focused on the jersey I fell onto.. Someone.

"Ow jeezus girls fall from the sky now?!?" He yelled

Another boy came out. The one with the jersey!

"Are you okay?!?" He asked

"Yeah if it wasn't for this dude."
I say

This dude probably saves me from a broken leg or a concussion

"Yeah yeah welcome" he said

"I'm Zach Barnes and this is my best friend Tyler. You are...?" Zach asks

"I'm Riley..." I say startled

"Oh my god Riley Hey!" Tyler says

Oh that's Tyler from the plane oh wow!!!

"Hey Tyler!" I announce happily

Zach looks confused at both of us like a pan just hit his head.

"Dude this is Riley I told you about. The one from the plane!" He yells excitingly

"Oh Hi" he mumbles


Shit. I look at Grant, my face is all red and I'm looking at him

"Anderson?!?" Zach screams

Looking at everyone I make a run for it to my new black Mazda.

I get in lock the doors and start leaving to the schools football field.

The Girl On The TeamWhere stories live. Discover now