Chapter 4

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"Hey wait!!" I scream to Nathan.

"What? WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" He turns around and yells at me.

"Dude calm down!" I say to him.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I don't have to listen to YOU!" He yells and then slaps me so hard I fell to the ground.

I feel a tear rush down my face.

All of a sudden the rest of the guys come.

"What happened we heard a scream?" Grant says and looks at me putting puzzles together of what happened.

"Uh...Um." Nathan stutters

"What happened, sis?"

"Nothing I tripped." I say as pulling a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Alright were headin' back to the field." He says while running with Zach and Tyler.

"Oh my god thank you so much I have no idea what your brother would do to me if he found out I slapped you. I'm so so sorry. it's just I never lost a game if football especially to a girl." He blabs out all at once.

"It's fine I forgive you. But please control your anger."

"Will do baby doll!" Nathan says.

All of a sudden I feel my hand be tugged.

"Huh? Nathan let go!" I scream

I look to where he brought me. An ice cream store!

"Pick a flavor." he says

"Hmm.... Cookies n' cream!" I say loudly

He laughs

"Alright. Two Cookies n' cream please." Nathan says to the cashier.

"Comin' right up!"

I look out the window and see my old best friend from kindergarten I knew her since diapers!

I leave the store and run up to her.

"Mel-" I say but start to get pulled by... BY NATHAN.

Melanie turns around and sees me.

"Oh my gosh!! Ry Ry!!" She screams and runs up to me and hugs me so tight.

"Mel shit has gone down since we last saw each other 2 years ago." I say

"I'm so sorry about your dad he was the best NFL star ever. he didn't deserve to have brain disease." Mel days as comforting me.

"I know. But Daven Anderson will be always in my heart." I say pushing the sadness away.

"Your dad is Daven Anderson?!?" Nathan asks

"Yes." I say

"Can we get our ice cream now?" I ask happily.


"Bye Mel see you soon!"

"Bye Ry Ry!"

We walk into the store to get our Ice cream.

After we finish he brings me into town and we head to this place called 'Bulldogs Headquarters' weird.

"Welcome to Bulldogs Headquarters!" Nathan says.

"Let's get you something because it's freezing out let's get you a sweatshirt so you don't catch a cold."

"Alright!" I say as I pick up a blue and silver Medium sweatshirt that says 'Go Bulldogs'.

"Cool!" I say.


After Nathan bought it which I wanted to we headed outside to walk around.

We just walked around town and laughed at what some people were wearing. We saw this one girl wearing shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt. It was hilarious.

After talking for about 2 hours while walking around I noticed we were at the center of the town by the fountain. Me and Nathan watched as the sun went down behind the fountain.

Then it happened. I felt very soft lips touch mine and hands cup around my face as the kiss got deeper.

And then I noticed Nathan Vandok was kissing me in the center of town by the fountain at sunset. It was officially the best kiss ever.

After me and Nathan kissed it was awkward. We walked back to the field to get our cars as I noticed it was 8:53. Shit mom said to be home by 9:00 I got to hurry! I jumped into my car. As I drove home I noticed all the lights in my house are out. Phew everyone must be sleeping. Thank God.

As I enter my house I see it. My brother, Zach and Tyler right there waiting for me.

"Your late" My brother says

"Did you hang out with Nathan? You smell like men's cologne." Zach says madly

Tyler just stares at me with a huge grin on his face.

"I can't hold it in! I was walking to town center to find Riley and I saw her and Nathan kissing!" Tyler bursts out.

"Dude... Seriously?" I scream at him.

"You... You WHAT?!?!" Grant screamed.

"I'm not 4 anymore Grant shut up I can do whatever I want!" I yell at him.

"Is that a hickey?" Tyler asks

Shit. Shit. I tried to cover it with my hair.

"Yes" I say.

"From who?" Grant asks.

"It's from the party Mickey gave it to me before his psychopath girlfriend threw a beer bottle at my head and also before I pushed her in the pool Mickey kicked me in the ankle." I spit out.

"Damn your sister is complicated but still hot." Zach announces.

"Dude that's my baby sister! Stop hitting on her that's gross!"

"I'm not a baby I'm only 11 months younger than you!" I announce loudly.

"Jesus sometimes I wish you got in a car accident! Not Alex! Your so annoying, bitchy and you never care about anyone around you!" Grant screams.

Tears come rushing down my face and the won't stop. I run up stairs to my room and slam the door. I run and jump onto my queen sized bed and sob into my pillow as I hear my mom and Grant fighting. At my door I hear a knock.

"Riley? Can we come in? It's Tyler and Zach." Tyler says.

I get up and open my door.

As the door bursts open I feel Zach and Tyler hugging me so tight.

"Guys..." I say

"Riley it's okay, Grant can go screw himself he should've never said that to his sister! Now we have a question who is Alex...?" They both say and ask.

My eyes burst open I start crying again out of my red puffy eyes.


Guys! I did it!! 1000 words in this chapter! I'm so so so proud! Well I'll update soon! Bye Guys!

~Victoria ;)

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