Chapter 5

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"Guys I don't want to talk. I have school in the morning, let me rest." I mumble.

They seemed to heard me and they left without a word. Just one small sad smile was on Zach.

I smiled back to him happily before closing my door, setting my alarm on my iPhone 5C that has a football designed case on it.

I turn off my lights before snuggling into the vanilla cream smelling sheets and blankets.

I turn my head towards the window and see Zach talking to Nathan. Zach looks pissed as f*ck from what I am seeing.

Finally I stopped being a creepy stalker and passed out.


BEEP BEEP BEEP Is all I heard before smacking something and hear it hit the wall and shut up.

Then I noticed it. It was my iPhone.

"Curses!!!" I groaned angrily

"Y'know it's crazy to talk to yourself." I hear from my window a couple inches away from me.

I turn around to see the familiar cute brown eyes.

Then again... I screamed.

"Dude, What Thea hell! GET OUT!!" I rage

"Sorry!!" Zack jumps back to his open window.

After he leaves I go into the bathroom to take a shower. I use my favorite Cotton Candy body wash.

I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel.

I walk over to the sink wash my face and brush my teeth.

Then I walk out of the bathroom, and into my closet to put on my maroon sweater and a black circle skirt with black combat boots.

I have no idea why I dressed up nicely or why I feel pretty but I guess since it's my first day I want to look good? I don't know.

I walk over to my bed and pull out a bag from under my bed.
I open it up and put all my football gear in there.

I walk downstairs and see Grant passed out on the couch.
I walk into the kitchen and see a note

Dear Whom I'm speaking to,

I will not be back for about a week I'm on a business trip. No Party's. No Alcohol. No girls Grant. And NO BOYS Riley!! Good luck at tryouts Riley if you see this!!
Love Mom

I rolled my eyes grabbed an apple And head out to my car.

As I'm walking up my driveway I see Zack run up to me and pick me up bridal style.

"Put me down!!" I yell

"Your driving with me today, babe." I stare at his motorcycle literally without a blink.

He sets me down on the motorcycle and jumps on himself to start the car.

He started the car and started to drive off. My hands are holding onto his waist really tight.

We arrived at the school and everyone is staring as Zach helps me off the motorcycle.

Zach starts to guide me to the office for my schedule.

I walk into the office to a lady reading a magazine.

I clear my throat and say "Hello? I need my schedule I'm Riley Anderson"

"R-Riley Anderson?" The woman stutters out.


She hands me my schedule and smiles.

I left the office and head to home room which is room 37.

I enter the room with a bunch of whistles and stares.

The teacher gets up and asks "How may I assist you?"

"I'm new here. I'm Riley Anderson.."

"Ahh yes!! Ms. Anderson! Will you introduce yourself to everyone?"

"Sure." I mumble.

"Hi uhm... I'm Riley.. and to some of you my last name might sound familiar..."

"I'm Daven Anderson's daughter." I say quietly

Probably everyone heard because their all whispering and gasping.

I just nod my head to my teacher and sit down in the back of the room.

I'm getting stares and I hate it so much...


I watch as she nods to the teacher and goes to sit in the back of the class.

All of a sudden I feel a piece of paper in my hand. One of my one night sluts (Yes I'm a player) handed me a paper which has her number on it.

I roll my eyes and keep staring at Riley until I get out of spacing out by the really loud BRINNNNNNNGGGGG

I walk over to Riley in the hallway on my way to lunch and take her schedule and look at it.

"Give it back... Nathan?" She said.

"Riley, let's go!!" I hear someone scream. It's Zach....

I feel this spike of pain go through my chest.

"Oh HI Nathan." Zach says while giving me a really bad glare. Ouch.

"Come on Riles we got to get to lunch."

All of a sudden Riley is grabbed and is pulled all the way down the hall and into the loud and crowded doors to the cafeteria.


Hey guys!! Sup! Sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry haven't been posting I've been busy and a little frustrated because my best friend said that her mom said I'm too fat for my size due to what my family looks like. LIKE B*tch please I'm skinny as hell. IM SKINNIER THEN YOUR DAUGHTER FOR GOD SAKE.
So yah I've also had a problem.. Since a lot of people are saying I'm too "fat" I decided not to eat any foods. Just wanted to to tell you what's been going on! So yeah! I'll update soon! Until then stay tuned!!

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