Chapter 1: The Misfit Dragon

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Saffron sat perched on a rocky outcropping, watching as the other dragons swooped and dived through the air. She felt a pang of envy as she saw their graceful movements, their powerful wings beating the air effortlessly. Saffron was a young dragon, small and clumsy compared to her peers. She had always struggled to keep up with the others, to perform the complex aerial maneuvers that were expected of her.

Today was no exception. Saffron watched as her fellow dragons soared through the sky, their scales glinting in the sunlight. They were practicing for the upcoming clan gathering, where they would be expected to perform in front of the other clans. Saffron felt a knot of anxiety twist in her stomach. She knew she would be expected to perform too, but she didn't feel ready.

As she sat there, watching the others, Saffron's mind drifted back to her earliest memories. She had been born into this clan, raised by her parents in a cozy nest atop a craggy cliff. As a young hatchling, Saffron had been full of energy and curiosity. She had explored every nook and cranny of the rocky outcropping, climbing up and down the steep cliffs with ease.

But as she had grown older, Saffron had begun to realize that she was different from the other dragons. She was smaller, less powerful, less agile. She struggled to keep up with her peers during training exercises, often falling behind or making mistakes.

Saffron's parents had tried to reassure her, telling her that she was special in her own way. But Saffron knew that they were just trying to make her feel better. She couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't belong, that she was somehow inferior to the other dragons.

As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, signaling the end of the day's training exercises, Saffron heaved a sigh and stretched her wings. She knew she had to practice more, to improve her skills before the clan gathering.

She launched herself off the rocky outcropping and began to fly in lazy circles around the cliffs. The wind rushed past her, buffeting her wings and sending shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her movements, on the way her wings beat against the air.

But her mind kept wandering back to the upcoming clan gathering. Saffron knew that she would be expected to perform a complex aerial maneuver in front of the other clans. She had practiced it dozens of times, but she still didn't feel confident. She was afraid that she would mess it up, embarrass herself and her clan in front of everyone.

Lost in her thoughts, Saffron didn't notice the other dragons flying up to join her. She was startled when a deep voice boomed out, "What's the matter, Saffron? You look like you're about to fall out of the sky!"

Saffron glanced over and saw Drogath, one of the older dragons, hovering next to her. He was massive, with scales the color of molten gold and sharp, gleaming claws.

"I'm fine," Saffron muttered, feeling a flush of embarrassment. She hated being seen as weak or vulnerable, especially by the other dragons.

Drogath snorted. "You don't look fine to me. You look like you're about to crash and burn."

Saffron bristled at his words. She knew he was just teasing her, but it still stung.

"I'm practicing," she said stiffly. "Getting ready for the clan gathering."

Drogath nodded. "Ah, yes. The clan gathering. I remember my first one.

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