Chapter 2

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Saffron woke up to the sound of roaring and the smell of smoke. She shot up from her sleeping spot, immediately alert. The sound of battle echoed throughout the valley, and she knew that something terrible was happening.

She emerged from her cave to find chaos unfolding around her. Dragons were flying everywhere, their scales flashing in the sunlight as they battled each other in mid-air. Fire and ice filled the sky, and the ground shook with the force of their impact.

Saffron's heart raced as she tried to make sense of what was happening. She could see two rival dragon clans clashing in the distance, each one determined to destroy the other. The sky was filled with smoke and ash, and the sound of screaming and roaring filled the air.

Without hesitation, Saffron took to the air, determined to help put an end to the conflict. As she soared above the battle, she could see that the dragons on both sides were equally matched, and it was clear that the battle would be long and bloody.

Saffron knew that she had to act quickly if she was going to make a difference. She flew towards the front line of the battle, her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the heat of the dragon's flames as they clashed, and the cold of their icy breath as it passed her by.

As she flew closer, she could see that there were injured dragons on both sides. Some were lying on the ground, their scales torn and broken, while others were still in the air, struggling to stay aloft. Saffron knew that she had to help them, no matter what the cost.

She flew down towards a group of injured dragons, ignoring the battle raging around her. As she landed, she could see that they were badly hurt, with deep cuts and burns covering their scales. She drew on her gift of healing, pouring all of her energy into healing their wounds.

As she worked, she could hear the battle raging on around her. The sound of dragonfire and dragon-ice was deafening, and the ground shook with the force of the impact. But Saffron remained focused, determined to do what she could to help the injured dragons.

Slowly but surely, she began to see the injured dragons heal before her very eyes. Their wounds closed up, and their scales began to regenerate. Saffron felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her as she watched them get back to their feet and take to the sky once more.

As she looked up, she could see that the battle was still raging on, but now there were dragons on both sides who were tending to the injured. Saffron knew that she had made a difference, that she had helped to save lives and bring some semblance of order to the chaos.

She took to the air once more, determined to keep fighting until the battle was over. She could see that the dragons on both sides were starting to tire, and that the fighting was becoming less intense. But she knew that it wasn't over yet.

For hours, Saffron fought alongside the other dragons, battling against the enemy and protecting her own clan. The battle raged on, with no end in sight. But eventually, as the sun began to set, the enemy began to retreat.

Saffron watched as they flew away, their scales battered and bruised, their wings tired and sore. She knew that the battle had been won, and that her clan had emerged victorious. She felt a sense of pride and satisfaction wash over her as she flew back towards her cave.

As she landed, she could see that the other dragons were already starting to settle down for the night. She felt a sense of exhaustion wash over her, but also a sense of gratitude for having been able to help her

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