Untitled Part 9

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Saffron woke up early the next day, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that finding a way to bring about peace between the dragon clans wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to try.

She flew over to the elder dragons' council, hoping to speak with them about her ideas. As she landed, she could see that the council was already in session. She quietly took her place at the back of the room, listening intently to the discussions.

The elder dragons were discussing ways to strengthen their defenses and prepare for future battles. Saffron couldn't help but feel frustrated. While she understood the importance of being prepared, she felt that there had to be a better way.

Finally, one of the elder dragons noticed Saffron and called on her to speak. She took a deep breath, summoning her courage as she stood up to address the council.

"I know that we have to be prepared to defend ourselves," she began. "But I also believe that there has to be a way to avoid these conflicts altogether. We don't have to be enemies with the other dragon clans. We can work together to build a better future for all of us."

There was a moment of silence as the elder dragons considered her words. Finally, one of them spoke up. "What do you propose, Saffron?"

Saffron took a deep breath, feeling a sense of nervous excitement as she presented her ideas. She spoke about the benefits of forming alliances with the other dragon clans, of sharing resources and knowledge, and of working together to create a better future.

There were some objections and concerns raised, but Saffron remained steadfast in her beliefs. She knew that this was the right path, and she was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

After a long and heated discussion, the council finally agreed to send a delegation to the other dragon clans to propose an alliance. Saffron felt a sense of pride and relief wash over her. She had taken the first step towards a better future for all of the dragon clans.

Over the next few weeks, Saffron worked tirelessly to prepare for the delegation's journey. She helped to gather resources and supplies, and even trained the younger dragons in basic diplomacy and negotiation skills.

Finally, the day of the journey arrived. Saffron watched with a sense of nervous excitement as the delegation took off into the sky, headed towards the other dragon clans.

Days turned into weeks, and Saffron waited anxiously for news from the delegation. Finally, a messenger dragon arrived, bringing news of the other dragon clans' response.

The news was better than Saffron could have hoped for. The other clans were open to the idea of forming an alliance, and they were willing to meet with the council to discuss the details.

Saffron felt a sense of joy and relief wash over her. It had been a long and difficult journey, but they were finally on the path towards a better future.

As she settled down for the night, she couldn't help but think about what lay ahead. The road towards a lasting peace and prosperity for all of the dragon clans was a long and difficult one. But Saffron knew that she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that the future of all dragonkind depended on it.

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