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Walking through school is always so hectic, especially at the end of the day. So many faces pass by and they're all frantically trying to flee school. It seems like most people don't like school which is understandable, if you aren't good at it. Me on the other hand, it just comes easy to me. Ever sense I was young school has been easier for me than the other kids, in the third grade I was doing fifth grade math. I've always been favored by teachers for how smart I am in almost everything. "Why does bro walk like he's the main character?" Some dimwit said from behind me.
I turn around to see Jaya, Levi, Aria and Noah. Jaya and Aria are good friends (I think) because Jaya made her computer background a pixilated picture of Aria and Aria talks about Jaya all the time. I'd say Aria and Jaya are the same person but Aria is actually smart, she takes mostly honors classes and has always had straight As. But, that's the only difference between them. Aria and Jaya both have the same humor, annoying personality and they even have similar body language. Noah pretty much shares a brain with Levi, both annoying, both loud, both pretend to have deep voices and both think they're funny. I turn to the group and glare at them for a second and keep walking, I can't believe I have to deal with this shit for 10 months I thought to myself as I pull out my phone to distract myself. Behind me I could still hear Jaya Laughing with Aria. What was she laughing about? I wondered. when I got onto my bus I sat down not behind my able to get that moment with Jaya and Levi out of my mind. Why are they so close now? It was the only thing going through my mind. Why?

When I got home I was greeted by my father screaming at my mother, again. My father has always been violent and loud, not towards me or my sister, just my mom. I've learnt to ignore it but, that day I couldn't I needed a parent to sign for me to be in the mathletes. I walk into the kitchen to see my father just yell at my mom while she just sat at the counter like a little girl. "Um, hi guys." I interrupted.
My father turns to me, the rage in his eyes fading, "What's up bud?".
"Can one of you sign this for me? It's the mathletes form.".
"I sure will!" My father replied getting a pen.
I look over to my mom, who's staring at me, tears in her eyes as if I just took a major weight off her shoulders. "Here you go kiddo!" my father handed me a signed paper.
"Thanks dad." I responded.
Walking to my room I felt a wave of guilt hit me, why didn't I help my mom? Why did I just stand there? sometimes, even though I know I'm really smart I still feel dumb in a way.

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